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flavored shisha tobacco (nakhla,alfakher,starbuzz ,alwaha or others)

contain 8 to 12% tobacco

it differs from supplier to another.

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Q: How much tobacco does shisha flavors contain?
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How much nicotine in shisha?

Depends on how much tobacco, what nicotine content of tobacco.

Is shisha harmful for human health?

yes, the tobacco in shisha flavours is significantly stronger which is why it produces so much smoke, so as the tobacco is much stronger it is obviously more harmful than smoking normal cigarettes or weed

Is shisha more harmful than cigarettes?

No Herbal Shisha is not bad for you. Its also not addicting. I know this because I Myself am a Herbal Shisha smoker. A couple of great Flavors are pina colada, apple, watermelon, double apple. The best company to buy from is soex 100% natural shisha. Hope this helped Happy smoking

Are shisha pens safe?

Yes. It is completely safe and has nothing to do with cigerette type. Unless you always have it with or put too much tobacco in it. That could cause harm and its certianly not safe for children from 12-13.And some have no tobacco at all

Are e shisha pens safe?

Yes. It is completely safe and has nothing to do with cigerette type. Unless you always have it with or put too much tobacco in it. That could cause harm and its certianly not safe for children from 12-13.And some have no tobacco at all

How does shisha effect you?

Shisha is a good socializing tool, whilst chilling with your family and friends, but the real question is how does shisha affect our body, well there are many people in the NHS comparing 1 hour of a shisha session to a 100 cigarette's. Well to be honest if that was true i would of dead by now lol, the government is just trying to take control of the new shisha trend. As we all know shisha is filtered with water, has no tar in it plus has minimum of of nicotine in it. But of course too much of anything is always bad.

How much tar does golden Virginia rolling tobacco contain?

A "thin" Golden Virginia cigarette (using 0.4g of tobacco) rolled to be 5.2mm wide will contain 8mg of tar and 0.7mg of nicotine A "wide" Golden Virginia cigarette (using .75g of tobacco) rolled to be 7.2mm wide will contain 15mg tar and 1.3 mg nicotine *Source - Writing on a 50g packet of Golden Virginia Hand Rolling Tobacco*

Is shisha really bad?

Shisha isn't really that bad for you.It has no tar and 0.5 Nicotine were in a cigarette it has much more harmful Shisha does not burn you are basically heating it.people make up to much lies about Hookah.when you burn a cigarette it can get to a temperature off 800 degrees.Ok so don't belive in people little stupid lies..

Does chewing tobacco show up on a probation drug test?

Most tobacco products do contain nicotine in them, chewing tobacco in fact contains more nicotine than a regular cigarette( depending how much you chew at a time) -good luck bud

What does Marlboro cigarettes contain?

they are harmful, smoking tobacco does harm the body as much as fatty foods. tobacco is a natural substance and does do bad things to the body it just gives you cancer and other disgusting diseases.

How much sugar in red man chewing tobacco?

Smokeless tobacco, a.k.a. dip or chewing tobacco, can be purchased in a pouch or can and is usually in a moist form. Some of the ingredients are: Nicotine: which is the addictive element found in all tobacco products.Carcinogens: considered the "cancer causing" element in tobacco products.Sweeteners: These are made of different sugars and flavors such as mint, wintergreen, or fruity flavors used to make the smokeless tobacco taste pleasing. However, these sugars also promote cavities and other dental issues.Abrasives: Gritty materials in the tobacco that can scratch soft tissues inside the mouth and allow the chemicals and nicotine to enter into the blood stream faster.Salt: added for flavor but also promotes high blood pressure.Other Chemicals: Tobacco products are filled with many different chemicals and health risks. All users should keep these in mind before choosing to use these products.

What is the difference between pipe and cigarette tobacco?

Generally, the difference is that it starts with a different variety of tobacco, and it is prepared differently. Pipe tobacco may be a bit more natural compared to how cigarette tobacco is prepared. Pipe tobacco could be used in cigarettes, but due to the cut, you may have a harder time keeping it lit. Compared to cigarettes, pipe tobacco has more of a range of flavors, since cigarettes only come in regular and menthol.