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you would get in so much trouble and you would go to prison and you will need to pay about 500-1000 pound it depends on your age 5-13 just will go to prison 13 and older would have to pay

That is known as Fraud, which is a criminal offense. If it was a once off purchase and the card belongs to a relative own up immediately. Let them deal with the bank and take your punishment accordingly.

If the card is stolen it is Fraud and Theft. Own up immediately before you face a long jail sentence. If you show remorse you will probably get away with a suspended sentence.

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Q: How much trouble can you get in when you used someone else credit card without their permission?
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Is it against the law to run someone's credit without their permission?

Yes it is against the law, because by running someone's credit without permission is committing Fraud.

What happens when you use someone elses' credit card?

If they have granted permission. Ideally they'd contact the credit card company to add you as an authorized user.

Can someone open a credit card account using your social security without your permission?

They could but it is illegal without your permission.

Can you go to jail for using somones credit card?

Yes, using someone else's credit card without their permission is considered credit card fraud, which is a serious crime. If caught, you could face criminal charges and potentially go to jail. It is important to always use your own credit cards and never use someone else's without their permission.

Can a company charge your credit card without your permission?

No, a company can not charge a credit card without permission. This violation should be reported immediately to your credit card company.

How can you tell if someone has done a credit check on yourself?

When you examine your credit report, you will see the inquiries that have been made and by whom. There are limitations to who can pull your credit report without your permission.

Is it identity theft if you use a someones credit card with there permission?

Yes, using someone's credit card without their permission is considered credit card fraud, not identity theft. Identity theft involves stealing someone's personal information to commit fraud or other crimes beyond just using their credit card.

Can you give someone permission to plagiarize your work with out them giving credit?

You may give them permission to quote your work without crediting you or citing it, but this does not make it ethical, moral, or legal.

Use of someone else's money to make a purchase is?

Without their permission: theft, and possibly fraud (if using debit/credit cards etc.) With permission: lots of fun.

Can you get in trouble for using another person's credit card?

yes you can if the person has life lock (additional answer) If you use another person's credit card without that person's permission, that is theft, which is a crime for which you can go to jail.

Do you need legal representation if you used someone else's credit card?

If you used someone's credit card without permission then they could press charges against you, in which case you would need legal representation. If they let you use the card, then no.

How does someone plagiarize?

Plagiarism occurs when someone copies or uses someone else's work, ideas, or words without giving proper credit or citation. This can include copying text or images directly, paraphrasing without proper citation, or using ideas from someone else's work without permission.