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The average dose delivered in a bit is 44mg. Although the venom is highly toxic - there have been no recorded fatalities of victims (usually herpetologists) dying. There is a highly effective antivenin available.

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Q: How much venom is in a taipan snake and how many people can it kill?
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How deadly is the Taipan snake?

because it has venom that is so strong that it can kill over 250,000 mice

How long does it take for an inland taipan snakes venom to kill you?

The Inland Taipan venom would kill a grown man in 45 minutes.

What snakes are venoumes?

This may be a trick question. If you are asking what snake has the most venom. That is the spitting cobra. It expels its venom in long streams to hit its preys eyes to blind it and then it can bite. If you are asking what is the most poisonous snake. That would be the black mamba snake. Its venom can kill a man in minutes. i would say taipan is the most venomous snake not the black mamba

What does snake venom do for people?

The snake posin blind people or kill them some times doctors use it for medisn

What is the world's most venomous land snake?

The Inland Taipan, also known as the Fierce Snake, has the most toxic venom of all the world's land snakes. The maximum survival time recorded after a Taipan's bite is not more than one hour. The Taipan has three major sub-species: the Western or Inland Taipan ( Oxyuranus Microlepidotus ) or ( Fierce Snake ) , Papuan Taipan ( Oxyuranus s. canni ) and Common or Coastal Taipan ( Oxyuranus Scutellatus ). The Inland Taipan is much more toxic than Oxyuranus Scutellatus and Oxyuranus S. Canni. The maximum yield recorded (from a single bite of Inland Taipan) is 110mg. Just a few mg of Inland Taipan's venom is enough to kill over 100 people or 250,000 mice. Australia's Western or Inland Taipan or Fierce Snake is the world's most toxic venomous snake. (Ranked No.1) (see the related link below) (see the related questions on snakes in general)

How many people can a coastal taipan kill in one bite?

The Inland Taipan is the world's most venomous land snake. It's venom is 200-400 times more powerful than that of rattlesnake venom, and is 50 times more potent than that of cobra venom. The snake delivers enough of its' venom in one bite to kill 250,000 mice or 100 adult humans. The normal amount of venom delievered is 44 mg; the largest recorded dose delivered was 110 mg. With that in mind, it takes a mere 0.03 mg to kill a mouse; such massive venom delivery ensures death to the desired prey. The venom is so toxic that it can kill an adult human within 45 minutes! It should be noted that there have been no recorded deaths in humans from an Inland Taipan bite. This snake is also known as the Fierce Snake, and inhabits the lands of Australia. In direct answer to the question, the snake can actually only eat one mouse at a time; no snake can consume more than one prey item per time, never trying to swallow two mice at once. But, eating one meal at a time doesn't mean that the bite it delivered to the mouse it consumes couldn't have easily killed all the mice in the dead mice's family as well since again, 250,000 mice could die from the venom delivered by one bite from the snake.

Why is the TAIPAN called the fierce snake?

Because if you get any where near it it tries to kill you

When a snake bites and the venom spreads when the snake eats does the venom kill the snake?

No, because, actually, the snakes' venom is its' saliva (spit). -no kidding! And the species of snake is immune to its own venom. Hope this helps as well.

What is an nonvenomous snake?

a snake with no venom so it cant kill or injure you

Will a snake die from a platypus's venom?

Platypus venom would certainly be enough to kill a snake - but the snake could well inject its own venom in the platypus at the same time.

Can a sea snake's venom kill a person?

If it is a very potent poison, then, yes. It can.

What are the names of the snakes that use poison to kill their prey?

There are none, there are venomous snakes. A few venomous snakes are western diamondback rattlesnake, garter snake (although the venom does not affect humans), hognose snake(only affects humans who are allergic), taipan, gaboon viper, etc.