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Q: How much water do you save by wearing a uniform?
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Does wearing uniforms save you time in the morning?

Yes because you don't debate about your clothes you know that you have to wear a uniform

How many people want school uniforms?

Most parents don't like the idea of uniform becasue that means digging out money don't you think that if we stop wearing uniform mabye it would save parents alot of money what do you think??

How much water will the average American save if they used solar water heaters?

The idea is not so much to save water, but to save energy - electricity, or fuel, for example.The idea is not so much to save water, but to save energy - electricity, or fuel, for example.The idea is not so much to save water, but to save energy - electricity, or fuel, for example.The idea is not so much to save water, but to save energy - electricity, or fuel, for example.

How is uniform save money?

Most schools that demand uniforms have a uniform swap which can be very helpful to parents on a budget.

How much drinking water is left in the world?

How much fresh water left in the world for our future generation and how we can save it.

How much water do you save by turning off water when not using?

over 1000 volts

What are some neutral solutions that you use in your home?

At home first priority is to save water as much as possible and save electricity by using sunlight.

Slogans on saving water?

1. save water, save life 2. save water it will save you later

How much water could you save in a day?

over 5 gallons of water but if you take a 10-15 minute shower you can save a half a gallon of water by 6min. to 5min.

Is my uniform for my job on the railroad deductible?

Yes, your uniform for your job on the railroad is tax-deductible. You just need to save all of your dry cleaning receipts.

A slogan to save fish?

if you kill us all then you won' t have any more seafood

How much water could ranchers save?

They could be saving up to 15,000 to 25,000 gallons of water a year.