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20 gallons

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Q: How much water in a Victorian hip bath?
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Related questions

What is sitz bath?

A sitz bath (also called a hip bath) is a type of bath in which only the hips and buttocks are soaked in water or saline solution. Its name comes from the German verb "sitzen," meaning "to sit."

How does a sitz bath treat a yeast infection?

women should take a warm saline sitz bath. To prepare, fill the tub to hip height with warm water and add 1/2 c of salt (enough to make the water taste salty) and 1/2 vinegar. Sit in the bath for 20 minutes (or until the water gets cool

Is there a word for tub that starts with h?

hip bath, hot tub

What is a sitz bath?

for patients who have had surgery in the area of the rectum, or to ease the pain of hemorrhoids, uterine cramps, prostate infections, painful ovaries, and/or testicles. It is also used to ease discomfort from infections of the bladder, prostate, or vagina

What is sits bath?

A sitz bath also known as a hip bath is a type of bath in which the hips and buttocks are submerged in warm water. It is typically used to treat various conditions such as hemorrhoids anal fissures perineal tears and episiotomies. The warm water can help reduce pain relax the muscles and promote healing. A sitz bath can be done at home in a hospital or in a bath tub. To do a sitz bath you will need a shallow basin or container that is large enough to fit both hips and buttocks. Fill the container with warm water and add Epsom salt baking soda or other appropriate bath salts. Sit in the container for 10-15 minutes allowing the water to cover your hips and buttocks. When finished gently pat the area dry.To ensure the best results it is important to follow these steps: Use warm water not hot Be sure to use the correct amount of bath salts Gently pat the area dry after the sitz bath Always talk to your doctor before trying a sitz bathA sitz bath can be a great way to reduce pain and promote healing for certain conditions. However it is important to talk to your doctor before trying a sitz bath to make sure it is the right treatment for your particular condition.

What is A hip hop dancers salary and pay rate?

how much does a hip hop dancer make?????

What were 1900 ladies skirt styles?

In 1900, we were in the Victorian era and clothing reflected the style of that era. Skirts were long, slim in the hip, and fullness was confined to the area below the knee.

How much do hip hop singers get paid?


Does Tom Kaulitz like American hip hop?

in an interveiw he said he like some American hip-hop but not much

What are hip thrusts?

Hip thrusts are practically humping. When you do a hip thrust, it's probably during sex. It's pretty much when your privites get "thrusted" against another persons privites.

How much money will you make if you are a HIP HOP singer?

You? None.

What type of hip implant do you recommend?

I know that exist some hip implant from ceramic and metal. In my opinion it`s much better then metal-on-metal hip implant (this kind of implant can cause cancer).