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Read the label and follow directions. If you simply keep sufficient water in a large container overnight the chlorine will evaporate off and you will not need to use water conditioner. Bettas should not be kept in a bowl. The basic rules of fishkeeping are. :- 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water (A Betta is a 3 inch tropical fish). :- Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. (This converts deadly Ammonia into none deadly Nitrate):- Every tank needs at least 50% of its water replaced every week. (This prevents a build up of excessive Nitrate.) Keep your Betta at around 78F, feed it proper Betta food and follow the above rules and your fish stand a chance. Fail in any of them and I can guarantee that your fish will be constantly getting sick and will live a shortened lifespan.

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14y ago

That will depend on the conditioner, and the size of the goldfish bowl. Find out how much water the goldfish bowl will hold when filled to its usual level, then read the label on the conditioner- two different brands may have different instructions.

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11y ago

you should have 1 liter of water or u can have more than a liter

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12y ago

enough to fill a large fish bowl

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Q: How much water do you put in a small fish bowl?
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How much is a small fish bowl?

The price of a small fish bowl is about $24.99! A small fish bowl with nothing in it that holds a gallon of water, costs about $6-$10. You can get them at PetSmart or Walmart. Betta fish don't need a filter but other fish do. So, that will add on to the price of the bowl. Most people like to put something in the bowl, again, that will cost you extra. So, it really depends on how much you want or need in the bowl.

How much water do you put in a fish bowl?

a gallon

How often are you supposed to clean a smoking bowl?

Bowls are the most difficult thing to keep fish in. The only fish that can easily be kept in a bowl is a Siamese Fighting Fish. Goldfish should be kept in an aquarium with filtration. The secret to keeping a bowl is to do regular water changes. NEVER change all the water in the bowl. My prefered method is scoop out about half of the water from the bowl into a clean container. Place the fish in the container. Then using a clean sponge wipe down the sides of the bowl and stir up the gravel. Tip the water out of the bowl (water your plants with it). Half fill the bowl with treated water (never put chlorinated tap water straight in). Then top it up with the water you saved from the bowl and put the fish back in. A fish bowl will go smoky because your balance of "good" and "bad" bacteria is out of balance. The smoke is actually "bad" bacteria in the water. It takes about six weeks for the "good" bacteria to develope properly. NEVER clean out all the water from your bowl or wash the gravel, this will kill the good bacteria. Also be very careful with how much food you give the fish. Use only a good quality food and feed very small amounts. It is surprising how little food your fish requires. Excess food and cheapo food will cause your water to go smokey much faster. Depending on the size of your bowl, you should clean it every week.

how much should you fedd a goldfish?

if your gold fish is small or medium fedd 3 to 4 small gold fish food

What fish can live in a bowl?

Golf fish, and most types of gold fish, not just the basic ones. small tiny fish, only fresh water! also bear in mind the tank has to be a decent size in comparision the fish and the amount of fish.

How much room does a betta fish need?

For the best health and lifespan of a betta, you should consider something that is at least 2.5 to 5 gallons and can have a small heater (bettas need a water temp of 78F to 80F), and a low flowing filter on it whether that be a small internal filter, or a small HOB (Hang On Back).

Can mollies live in a bowl?

No. You should never put any fish in a bowl. 1. They don"t live as long in bowls rather than they do in tanks. 2. With a bowl you would have to clean it out every three days. 3. The fish will be miserable in a bowl so a bowl is a bad idea. If you cant afford a tin gallon tank then get a five gallon it"s small and it will make your fish much happier rather than living in a bowl. Your fish will thank you for not putting them in a bowl. Hope this helped.

How much water should you leave for the fish when you are clean the tank?

The general rule is that one should change around 25% of the water at a time, thus all you need do is leave your fish in the tank and siphon out 25% of the water, and then replace with dechlorinated water of the same temperature. If you are cleaning a bowl, then it is more common to clean the entire bowl; in that case the fish maybe be placed in a bucket or cup.

How much litters the goldfish need in a bowl?

A fish needs 20 litres in a bowl

How much water a day should grasshoppers have?

Well, if you have a pet grasshopper, just leave a small bowl of water in the tank of whereever you keep the grasshopper. Otherwise, like a few drops. Grasshoppers are really small so they wont need as much water.

How Much does a fish bowl weight?

it weighs about 5 pounds. I think

How do you remove poop from a fish bowl without taking the fish out?

Use a vacuum syphon, available from any fish store. Gently vacuum out the debris from the bottom. Built up food and waste can cause too much ammonia in the water and can kill your fish.