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Q: How much wood does the rainforest's provide?
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Why are people cutting down the rainforests?

we are cutting down the rainforests because we need: WOOD.

Why are rainforests being logged?

because people want wood

How do rainforests die?

people cut them down or burn them for wood

What are 3 ways that rainforests are being cut down?

Three reasons why the rainforests are being destroyed are to satisfy the world's need for paper, wood, and beef.

What resource does the rainforest provide?

this may not be your answer, but trees provide us with: wood, paper, rubber, toiletpaper and stuff lyk tht Without rainforests man would cease to exist as the purpose of the rainforest in the great scheme of things is to counter mans excesses in purifying the atmosphere. Unfortunately I think they will fail.

What does a tropical rainforest have?

Trees that give you medicine and make houses for people that live there. Also, provide wood for furniture- logging of rare trees is a big issue in many rainforests, especially the Amazon.

Solutions for saving rainforests?

Ban on timber production. Consumers should not buy wood products that come from rainforests. Consumers should not buy beef raised in countries that clear rainforests for cattle pastures.

How much rainforests have been depleted?

1. How much of our rainforests have been depleted throughout history?

What is the difference between a rainforest and grasslands?

• Rainforests receive a much higher rainfall than grasslands get.• Rainforests provide homes for much more species than grasslands would offer.• Main vegetation of rainforests is woody plants while grasslands have herbaceous (non-woody) plants.• There are only two types of rainforests, whereas grasslands are of five main types depending on the climatic conditions.• Rainforests have high density of plants with different heights, whereas grasslands barely have trees and all the bushes are usually short.• The humidity is higher inside rainforests than in grasslands.• Rainforests are stable ecosystems while grasslands and not stable.Read more:

What does the rainforests give to humans?

Hi for all i know they give us medicine

How do rainforests help us when you are ill?

many medicines come from the rainforests

Which has more land - deserts or rainforests?

Deserts cover much more of the earth's surface than do rainforests.