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This is a very vague question since your insurance rate would depend on your exact location, driving record and the model of the car.

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Q: How much would it be to insure a Cadillac?
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Where could one insure a 1957 Cadillac?

There are lots of different insurance companies that would insure a 1957 Cadillac. These include Insurance Choice and Q4. If you aren't sure who can offer you the best place then going to a comparison site might help you.

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Unless your Westie is one of the breadwinners of the house, I would not insure it at all.

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cost me $150 for the a year.

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Probably about a couple million dollars. I know State Farm won't insure it.

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You need to insure it at replacement cost not value or appraised value. Call your agent.

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£1000 max.

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I do not think you would need to insure an lightning rod.

How much would your insurance be?

$1200 per year but remember what I insure and my age to get that rate.

How much does a Cadillac V16 cost?

First of all it depends on the condition of the Cadillac V16 of how much the price is up, but in general the amount one would have to pay for such car would be between 16k and 20k$

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Yes, you can pretty much insure any car if you can afford it.

Are sewer line insurances any good?

What do they insure and how much? Normally I would say save your money

Can you put insure in a sentence?

I will insure your car so repairs don't cost as much.