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Q: How mucus can be a sign of ovulation?
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Is egg white vaginal discharge a sign of ovulation?

Yes, EWCM (Egg white cervical mucus) is a sign of ovulation, and it is the best medium for sperm to live and swim in.

Does dryness after fertile cervical mucus is a sign of early pregnancy?

Dryness is not a sign of pregnancy and is normal after ovulation. Typically there is more mucus while pregnant. If you're concerned and have other symptoms take a test.

What is the consistency of mucus during ovulation?

When you are ovulating, the consistency of your cervical mucus may seem like a raw egg white. It looks clear and slippery, as well. The volume of the mucus increases during ovulation.

How do you check your cervical mucus?

After your period you will be dryer and as you get closer to ovulation mucus will gradually increase and it will be sticky and cloudy (creamy). RIGHT before you ovulate mucus will increase even more and it will become clear and very slippery, (like egg white) and stretchy. Ovulation will occur at about this time. After ovulation it will become sticky and cloudy again, and mucus will decrease.

Are you pregnant when cervical mucus stops a day after ovulation?

No, you often get excess cervical mucus when you are pregnant anyway

How does yaz work?

Yaz is a hormonal BCP - it suppresses ovulation and thickens cervical mucus.

Why is there no lh surge showing on ovulation stick but cervical mucus and ovulation pain showing otherwise?

The stick may have been defective or used incorrectly.

Why do you notice much mucus a day after ovulation?

It is part of the cycle. Your body is ready to get pregnant and it produces the mucus to make it easy for sperm to reach the ovum.

Is diarrhea a sign of ovulation?

No, it is not a sign of ovulation. Slippery, egg-white quality cervical mucous (discharge) is a sign, as is Mittleschmertz (a slight cramp in your ovary). Ovulation always occurs 10-14 days before your period comes.

Miss my period 1 month next ovulation date?

You need to have a monthly cycle to track ovulation by dates, otherwise you need to learn other signs of ovulation like changes in cervical mucus. See info at link.

Breast swollen is a sign of pregnancy?

Can be. Can also be a sign of ovulation and that you are pre-menstrual.

Can mucus in the vaginia prevent pregnancy?

No, mucus in the vagina is normal and is sometimes a sign of increased fertility