

How newline character formed?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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8y ago

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The newline or line-feed character is denoted by ASCII code 0x0A (decimal 10). In C, we use the escape-sequence '\n' to denote a new line. In some cases, particularly where the output is directed to a line printer, a newline is immediately preceded by a carriage return character, 0x0D (13 decimal), which is denoted by the escape sequence '\r' in C. Thus you will often encounter the "\r\n" escape sequence at the end of each line of ASCII text.

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How newline formed?

The newline or line-feed character is denoted by ASCII code 0x0A (decimal 10). In C, we use the escape-sequence '\n' to denote a new line. In some cases, particularly where the output is directed to a line printer, a newline is immediately preceded by a carriage return character, 0x0D (13 decimal), which is denoted by the escape sequence '\r' in C. Thus you will often encounter the "\r\n" escape sequence at the end of each line of ASCII text.

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Always. A newline is neither a space nor a tab.

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A newline has ASCII character code 10, therefore you test for the integer value 10. That's not much use if the user needs to enter 10, therefore you should test the input before assigning the integer.

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If you're using regular expressions, the character commonly used is a dot '.'. This will match any character except a newline. To match all characters including newlines would involve a statement, not a single character.

To count the number of characters in the given text file in unix?

Look at the "wc" command's man page, it will give you a count of all characters, including the newline character.

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What is ascii value of newline?

10 = 0AH