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Q: How often does a general schedule employee get a raise?
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Yes, a boss does have a right to raise a voice to an employee but not to physically harm the employee.

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Yes, a boss has the right to raise his voice an employee and tell the employee s/he does not believe them

What would an employee ask his boss for?

a raise

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a raise

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Name something an employee would ask their boss for?

a raise

What is the expected 2009 federal pay raise for civil servants?

Congress passed and the President signed legislation for the 2009 federal pay raise providing a 3.9 percent overall average increase for General Schedule employees.

When is a employee allowed a raise?

Whenever their employer chooses to give them one.

Can an employer rescind a raise?

The raise of an at will employee can be rescinded. If there is a contractural arrangement, you may offer a salary of less money. Notify employee prior to the end of the contract year to give the emoployee a chanced to look for other work if and when offer is refused.

Do you have a sample letter requesting a bonus for an employee?

Bonuses are usually handed out by the supervisor as a reward for good work, rather than requested by the employee. If you choose to ask for a raise, be gracious when asking and be sure to include the reasons you believe you merit a raise.

Can you sue if you don't receive a pay raise?

Usually no. If you are a full time employee and you believe you deserve a raise you should meet with your manager and politely ask for one with a convincing explanation why. Generally you will receive one if your argument is convincing enough, because usually it will cost more for them to hire and train a new employee than to give you a raise.

What is meant by equality at work?

Each employee being treated the same as the other, no better no worse, if one person gets a raise then everyone gets a raise The above answer is incorrect! Each employee cannot be treated the same as no two persons are the same. A better employee should get a raise before a mediocre employee.