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They should only have really short walks because their bones are still forming and over-exercise could damage them permanently.

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Q: How often should a 15 week old puppy walk?
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Should my 6 week old puppy be walking on his legs?

Yes! Puppies should have started at least trying to walk at just a few weeks. If a 6 week old puppy is not walking, take him/her to the vet immediately.

Can you walk your puppy after giving him his 1st. parvovirus injection?

yes but you should wait a week to let the shot take effect.

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a puppy wormer

What can a puppy do when its a week old?

my dog had puppies before and when it was a week old it started learning how to walk and open its was adorable.

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u should make him walk for a short time as he has not attained his proper stamina.mild walks are enough

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cuz it has weak little legs.

Why can't you walk an 8 week old puppy?

Who told you that you can`t walk a 8 week old puppy? That`s a good age to start just get them a harness or collar and a leash and start walking, just make sure you go on short trips to see how far he/she can handle.

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Leave him at home while you walk the big dog and play with the puppy at home.

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puppy milk

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It really depends on the breed you have or are looking at. You should talk to your vet about a healthy puppy.

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Yes it should not hurt them.

Why does my 13 week old puppy cough?

You should take your pug to the veternarian.