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The answer is about the age of seven or shortly thereafter. This happens when the typical Catholic reaches what is called the Age of Reason (see link). This is done so that the child can make use of the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion to combat personal sin that they are now morally culpable for. Many factors can impact a decision on when to actually administer these sacraments to the child. Emotional maturity is a pretty good one. This can extend or shorten the decision to another point in life.

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The correct answer from the Catholic Catechism is the age of reason which is usually taken as around 7 (2nd grade in the USA). In the Byzantine Rites, the norm is giving Holy Communion as part of the 3 Mysteries (Sacraments) given to a newborn as part of the Rite of Initiation (the other two being Baptism and Chrismation aka Confirmation).

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Q: How old are most catholics who receive the sacrement of communion?
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You may never "take" Holy Communion, you may only "receive" Holy Communion. You should receive Holy Communion as frequently as you can, while you are in a state of grace, and have been fasting. You may not receive Holy Communion more than twice a day, and the second time only if you have been to an entire Mass. If you are not in a state of grace, or are not fasting, or have already received Holy Communion that day, you should never receive.

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Given that religious instruction is meant to be the responsibility of parents as well as schools in Catholicism, from as early an age as possible.

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hen you receive the wafer at communion in the Anglican church, you simply say, "Amen". This is the same in most Christian Churches.

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The sacrament that is known as the sacrament of sacraments is the Eucharist. It is considered the most important and central sacrament in the Catholic Church, as it is believed to be the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ. Through the Eucharist, Catholics believe they receive the true presence of Christ and are united with him and with one another as his followers.

What is a Holy Communion and what age do you receive it?

Most Catholic children receive their First Holy Communion when they reach the age of reason, about seven years of age. Communion is the receiving of the body and blood of Christ that have been transformed from simple bread and wine at the consecration of the Mass. Children usually require one or two years of education about the sacrament before they receive communion for the first time.

Can a man whose wife is not Catholic receive communion?

Yes, as long as you are not in a state of mortal sin. To be able to receive Holy Communion worthily one must not be in mortal sin, believe that the consecrated bread and wine are really the Body and Blood of Christ, and have fasted for one hour before receiving Holy Communion. If your wife is not Catholic, she may not receive Holy Communion, but you can. The above is absolutely true within the Catholic Church. However you can both receive communion if you attend a non-catholic Church (such as an Anglican Church) as Anglicans recognise any communicant member of any other denomination as having the right to receive communion within their own church.

Can a non-Catholic receive Holy Communion at a Catholic service?

Generally, the answer is no. However, certain circumstances may allow for it. 1) Roman Catholics who do not have access to a Roman Catholic Mass may receive communion from Orthodox churches. However, most Orthodox churches have rules that they can not give Roman Catholics communion. 2) In danger of death, a Roman Catholic can receive communion from another church with valid sacraments, for example, any of the Orthodox churches. 3)Roman Catholics can not receive communion while attending Protestant religious services.generally no, since they have not been baptized in the faith of that particular Christian group.

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To begin with, neither Catholics nor Orthodox may receive communion in a Protestant church. Most Protestant churches allow them to, but the Catholic and Orthodox churches do not allow their respective members to receive in a Protestant church. That said, the short answer is: Protestants may receive communion in a Protestant church. The long answer is: It varies from one Protestant denomination to the next, and sometimes one congregation to the next. The United Methodists, Episcopal Church, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church have open communion, and that pretty much means, if you're a baptized Christian, you may receive. There are others that fit this category. The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod practices closed communion, only those of their own group (and possibly WELS Lutherans but I'm not sure) may receive. Baptists vary. Many have open communion, and some just keep it among Baptists of their own denomination or group. As you can see, it is not an easy question. So my final advice is to call the church office, or ask an usher or the pastor at a convenient time before the service you are attending. That way you'll know what's appropriate for that service.

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In most denominations, a person who is baptized not as an infant is also able to receive communion. Often this occurs on the same day.