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Ordinarily, a Catholic should only receive Holy Communion in a Roman Catholic Mass. Most other churches are not in communion with the Pope and disagree on certain doctrines, and so have removed themselves and established themselves as a separate church. Catholics believe that because of this, their communion is not the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ. To participate in their communion would mean that one would be participating in their service, which would be to deny the Catholic Faith's teachings on the Eucharist, etc. Therefore, a Catholic usually cannot receive communion in these churches. There are possibly some exceptions - see your local Catholic priest to learn about it.

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Q: Can Catholic receive communion outside Catholic church example at lutheran church?
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Can a divorced Catholic receive communion if they did not marry in a Catholic church in the first place.?

A Catholic cannot marry outside of the Church, this means that in this time this person has been living in sin, living conjugally outside the bonds of marriage. This Catholic would need to repent and go to confession before receiving Holy Communion.

How is the Lutheran church the same as the Catholic Church?

.Catholic AnswerThere are some superficial similarities on the outside due to the fact that Martin Luther started his career as an Augustinian Friary, but little to nothing beyond that. They both profess the Creeds, they both practice baptism of infants, beyond that the Lutherans remain basically a protestant communion.

Does a person who is married in the Catholic Church divorces and remarries outside of the Catholic Church and is now divorced go to communion?

your marriage outside of the Catholic church is invalid due to improper form. your 1st marriage in the church nullified it. If you are divorced and are a practicing Catholic, you may receive communion as long as you remain faithful to your 1st spouse. This would be the situation for any divorced Catholic. You are not free to marry without nullifying the first marriage.

What are the sacraments at the service of communion?

Roman Catholic AnswerIn these days of the priest shortage, a Communion Service, in which a layman conducts a brief prayer service and distributes Holy Communion (that was consecrated at an earlier Mass) has become a sad necessity in places. One would receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist in Holy Communion, but the service itself, and everything else about it is most definitely NOT a sacrament.

Can a non-Catholic receive Holy Communion at a Catholic service?

Generally, the answer is no. However, certain circumstances may allow for it. 1) Roman Catholics who do not have access to a Roman Catholic Mass may receive communion from Orthodox churches. However, most Orthodox churches have rules that they can not give Roman Catholics communion. 2) In danger of death, a Roman Catholic can receive communion from another church with valid sacraments, for example, any of the Orthodox churches. 3)Roman Catholics can not receive communion while attending Protestant religious services.generally no, since they have not been baptized in the faith of that particular Christian group.

Does the Catholic church recognize marriages performed in the Lutheran Church?

Actually, the Catholic Church recognizes ALL marriages between baptized persons as valid sacramental ("religious") marriages. So if the couple was married by a minister in another sect of Christianity, like the Lutheran one, that marriage is recognized. Even if the marriage between two baptized non-Catholics was secular, in a civil ceremony, such as a clerk of the court or a justice of the peace, it is also recognized as a sacramental marriage, because the marriage is theologically contracted through the will of the spouses, and non-Catholics are not bound by formal requirements as Catholics are. If the marriage is between a Catholic and a baptized non-Catholic, it can be recognized as a religious marriage if a few steps are taken. The Catholic person in the marriage may get a dispensation that allows them to marry a non-Catholic. You can also get one that allows the wedding to be preformed outside of a Catholic church. If you do both, then the marriage is in fact recognized as a religious one by the Catholic Church.

Can a confirmation sponsor be married by civil judge?

No, the Church requires that a sponsor be a practicing Catholic. A person married outside the Church would not be in full communion with the Church and could not be a sponsor.

Can Catholic women take Communion after she marries?

As long as she is married under canonical laws--the laws of the Catholic Church--absolutely. If she is married outside the Catholic Church, she may worship and receive a blessing at each Mass, but not receive Holy Communion unless her marriage has been validated by the Church. Without knowing further information, there are ways for her to have her marriage validated...she should speak to her Priest for further guidance.

Can a Catholic woman who marries a protestant man in a register office receive Holy Communion?

Roman Catholic AnswerNot until that marriage is regularized by the Church. If a Catholic attempts marriage outside the Church without a dispensation they are effectively put themselves outside of God's grace. To receive Holy Communion in such a state is extremely dangerous as St. Paul warns in his Epistles. Part of the problem is that Catholics have been poorly catechized and don't realize what is important and that the Eucharist is the actual Body and Blood of Christ, and that to receive It in a state of sin is perilous.

How many memberes belong to the Anglican communion worldwide?

The Anglican Communion includes around 80 million members world-wide making it the second largest body of Christians outside the Catholic Church. The second being the Orthodox Churches.

What is the Lutheran Church view on sex outside of marriage for older adults?

The Lutheran Church believes that sexual relations should only take place within the sacred institution of marriage. While there may be discretion and understanding for people in unique life circumstances, the general view is that sex outside of marriage is not in alignment with Christian values. Older adults are encouraged to seek guidance from their clergy for support and pastoral care in such situations.

Can you receive communion if you marry a non-Catholic in a non-Catholic church?

.Catholic AnswerYou need to speak to your regular confessor about this as I'm not sure what all the circumstances are, or, for that matter if you are referring to receiving Holy Communion in Church after you married outside of the Church or if you are referring to receiving "communion" in a non-Catholic "church" while engaging in a "marriage" ceremony. To the first, if you have gotten married to a non-Catholic without any kind of preparation or permission from your Bishop, you have excommunicated yourself, and may not receive Holy Communion until you have rectified the situation and made a good Confession. In the second situation, if you have received permission to marry in a non-Catholic Church, you may certainly NOT participate in any "communion service" which they might hold. If you haven't received any permissions, and are doing all of these things, you're in "a heap of trouble" as one of my old confessors used to say, you need to speak to a priest asap and start to get things straightened out. We are talking about your immortal soul here, so pick up that telephone and make an appointment to speak with a priest right now.