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Modern humans (Homo sapiens sapiens) are estimated to be about 200,000 years old. The genus homo appears approxiamtely 2.3-2.4 million years ago, and other evolutionary ancestors appear older than that. An evolutionary split called the human-chimpanzee diveregence occured ~6 million years ago. The oldest known fossil thought to be a hominid ancestor (Sahelanthropus tchadensis) dates back to 7 million years ago.

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13y ago
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14y ago

There really is now say on how long humans have actually lived on earth. But scientists are sure that it's been many many billions of years and weather you go by The Bible or science its pretty much the same amount of years. i hope this helped...if not then, really sorry.

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15y ago

according to scientists our species made that leap from primate to forward thinking, problem solving, fire starting, tool making human beings between 30,000 and 50,000 years ago but these are estimates from only 100 years of modern scientific study and to some religions beliefs there's no leap or evolution. poof one day a man and a women were some how created in ones all knowing eye.?. but that only puts us on this earth for 11,000 years or so. there's a lot of proof pointing in the evolutionary way. look up neanderthal man (another human species) that went extinct about 30,000 years ago. i think personally when the last ice age struck our planet it was only our great ability to adapt and work together that saved us and let us become the top of our food chain and dominate the world while neanderthal with there lack of communication and lesser numbers never stood a chance to compete. i know its not a solid answer but that's a question that only can raise more. soon with science we will know how and when.

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10y ago

With current technology, diet, medical science, realistically 120 is the absolute maximum.

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