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I personally reckon about 16, no lower, It would be just plain weird, especially as he is older and may want to go...further.

If you're older, then about 21 at most, without it being too awkward.

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Q: How old can you be to go out with an 18 year old guy?
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yes i think that it is legal but just in case try to go for a younger girl.

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Can a Cop Write a Ticket? I think so, I would go for it, I think the younger the better.

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yes but if she was 16 it would be alright!

Can a 18 year old guy go out with a 15 year old girl if they want to in Washington?

It's legal but up to her parents. There's only laws for sex, not dating.

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nothing is wrong or right.. if u think its right.. then go ahead..else stop.. you are what you percieve.

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An 18 year old is an adult and it is up to them.

Can a 13 year old girl go out with a 15 year old guy?

yes, she can

Can a guy who is 18 go to jail for getting a 16 year old pregnant in San Antonio texas?

Yes! It is legally statutory rape.

Can a 13 year old go out with a guy who is 22 years old?

No he can go to jail.

Can an 18-year-old girl go out with a 17-year-old guy if they started going out before she turned 18 in Texas?

There is no age bar on dating, but if you are asking about sex, the age of consent in Texas is 17 so you are all right there too.