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you have to be at least 13 or older to leagally ride in the front seat

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Q: How old do you have to be to ride in the front sit in washington?
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Can a 9 year old ride in the front seat of a car?

A 9 year old child can ride in the front seat of a car. It is important that they are buckled in and can sit still.

When can a child ride in the front seat in NE?

12 years old or older can sit in the front seat in the USA

Age limit to sit in front seat?

It depends on what state you are in. In Washington state, you cannot sit in the front seat until you are 13 years old (RCW 46.61.687(c))

In MI how old do you have to be to sit in the front SEAT of a car?

Do you have to be 13 years or older to ride on the front seat, provided, however, that you are tall enough to be buckled up.

How much do you have to weigh to sit in the front sit of a car in Canada?

Generally 90 pounds + and 5'2 + is when its safe to ride in the front seat

What is the height and weight limit in Washington to sit in the front seat?

In Washington State, you can put children over 8 years old secured in a properly adjusted safety belt in the front seat if there is no other practical place for them to sit. Children 13 and under must sit in the back seat when practical.

Where to sit on a roller coaster?

It's simple if on an old wooden coaster probably better in the back... you get a larger drop. If on a dueling coaster make sure to sit in the front for the better ride. For a powered launch coaster it's OK. anywhere but if you wanted to wait for it go for the front seat. For any "modern" ride I would sit in the front. However, for earlier rides and some steel coasters it will be better to sit in the back. It's up to you! If the ride has a short line I would try both seating arrangements. Hope this helps!

How old do you have to be to sit in front seat in Canada?

you have to be 12+ to sit in Canada

How old should you be to sit in front seat?

I think that you should be in sixth grade when you get to sit in the front seat.

How old do children need to be to sit in front seat in GA?

Your child should be 10 to sit in the front :-)

How old you have to be to sit in the front seat if a car in New Jersey?

There is not a certain age. You must be a certain height and/or weight. For example. I am thirteen. My friend is as well. She is 4 foot 6 inches and can not ride in the front seat and actually needs a booster (she is embarrassed by that) but i am 5 foot 4 inches and can sit in the front.