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for a female about 2-3 years old but for a male 3-5 years! always have a least two males to one male.

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Q: How old does a bearded dragon have to be to mate?
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Can a bearded dragon mate twice in a year?

Nope its too impossible

What can you do to stop your bearded dragon biting your other bearded dragon?

Sperate them or if they are different sexes then they might want to mate also thats how they keep the other dragon in line and decide who is dominant

How oil duis a bearded dragon?

IF you meant "How old does a bearded dragon live to" the answer is about 15 years.

Why is your bearded dragon beard fully black?

They do it to show aggression or the readiness to mate

How old does the bearded dragon have to be to have babies?

the bearded dragons should be about 2 years old

Why does my female bearded dragon biting female bearded dragon?

are you sure its your female biting your other female? because males bite the the back of the females head when there trying to mate.

Is a bearded dragon asexual or sexual?


How old do you have to be to not get diseases from a bearded dragon?

it doesnt matter what age you are, everyone can get salmonilla from a bearded dragon. but you can wash your hands and you wont get this disease.

What is smarter a tree frog or a bearded dragon?

a bearded dragon

Why is your male bearded dragon shaking his head up and down to your female bearded dragon and why is your female bearded dragon waving back to your male bearded dragon?

Because their getting comfortable before they feel they can mate, they mght ater mating to kill akwardness{THEIR HORNY} The male doing the head bobbing is showing that he is the dominant one and the female doing the arm waving is showing she is the submissive one. Sometimes these rolls are reversed as well.

How do you tell if a 1 month old baby bearded dragon is a boy or not?

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Will your bearded dragon die if his beard keeps turning black?

After brumation, a bearded dragon's beard usually turns black because it wants to mate, and it usually gets hyper and runs around alot. Sometimes if a bearded dragon's beard keeps turning black, and it becomes listless, as if dead, be on guard. If this is happening, take your beardie to the vet right away.