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Approximately 49 years old.

Note: It is a common belief that 1 human year is equal to 7 dog years. That is not very accurate, since dogs reach adulthood within the first couple of years. The formula used above is from a canine expert and is a bit more accurate. (as accurate as one can judge these things)

The formula is: 10.5 dog years per human year for the first 2 years, then 4 dog years per human year for each year after.

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12y ago

One year of dog life is equal to seven years in human life. So 9 years times 7 years equals 63 years. The answer is 63 years.

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Q: How old is 9 year old dog in dog years?
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How old will a dog br in dog years if it was 9 in people years?

63. Each human year is 7 years for a dog.

Is a 9 months old male pug to young to mate with y 2 year old?

Yes, because the 9 month old pug is only 63 months in dog years old and the 2 year old is 14 years old in dog years

How old is a 9 year old in dog years?

u will be 63 years old if u count bi 7

If your 9 in human years how old would you be in dog years?

63 years old because 1 human year is equal to seven dog years and 9x7=63

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Yes. If she is mature & can keep control of dogs. If you want to walk a dog at 9 years old I would suggest doing it with a friend. xoxL

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maybe he likes it

How old is a 9 year old?

9 years old. A 9 year old on his birthday is approximately 3,288 days old.

Is there a difference between dog and cat years?

Yes, there's a difference between cat years and dog years. What we call "dog years"(to calculate a dog's "human" age), is simple. For every human year a dog has lived, that's 7 "dog years". So a 2 year old dog is 14 dog years, while a 5 year old dog is 35 dog years. A cat's age is a little more tricky. Different sources vary slightly, but this is the most common way. The first year of a cat's life is 15 "cat years". Then you add 9 "cat years" for the second year, so a 2 "human year" old cat is 24 "cat years". For every "human year" after that, you add 4 "cat years". An 8 "human year" old cat would be 48 "cat years". "human year" = 365 days, one revolution around the Sun "cat year" = the comparative "year" for a cat based on milestones, such as walking, sexual maturity

How many months old is a one year old dog in dog years?

Depends on the breed and which definition of "dog year" you use. By the definition "the amount a dog ages in a year", the answer is simple: 1 year. By the definition "the equivalent portion of a human's lifetime", for larger breeds it's about 9 and for smaller ones about 13 (according to Wikipedia). The popular formula "1 dog year equals 7 human years" (or vice versa) is inaccurate.

How old in human terms is a six month old dog?

9 years

If you are 65 years in dog years you are how Old in Human years are you?

Divide the Dog years by 7 to get Human years equivalent. So you are 9 2/7 years old in Human years.

How old are you in dog years?

Well, according to studies 1 dog year is equal to 7 human years. Dog ages- 1-----7 2-----14 3-----21 4-----28 5-----35 6-----42 7-----49 8-----56 9-----63 10---70 and etc.