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In Agatha Christie's novel "And Then There Were None," Philip Lombard is described as being in his thirties.

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Q: How old is Philip Lombard?
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How old is Philip lombard in the book and then there were none?

In "And Then There Were None," Philip Lombard is described as being in his mid-thirties. The exact age of the character is not specified in the book.

How does vera claythorne trick Philip lombard?

In Agatha Christie's novel "And Then There Were None," Vera Claythorne tricks Philip Lombard by pretending to be in distress and getting him to leave his revolver unattended. She then takes the revolver and uses it to kill Lombard later in the story.

Who did Philip lombard kill?

Philip Lombard is a fictional character in Agatha Christie's novel "And Then There Were None." In the story, Lombard is accused of causing the death of 21 East African tribesmen by leaving them to starve while on a safari expedition. However, the truth of these accusations is ambiguous.

What are some adjectives to describe Philip lombard?

Confident, cunning, and resourceful.

Why did Philip Lombard go to Indian island?

Philip Lombard was hired to go to Indian Island as a guest by the mysterious Mr. Owens, who promised him a substantial sum of money to do so. Lombard was enticed by the opportunity to earn money and accepted the invitation, unaware of the true intentions behind the invitation.

Who killed Vera Claythorne and Philip Lombard?

In Agatha Christie's novel "And Then There Were None," Vera Claythorne kills Philip Lombard and then herself. Vera shoots Lombard and then hangs herself after believing there is no hope of escape from the island.

How old is Karina Lombard?

Karina Lombard is 48 years old (birthdate: January 21, 1969).

How did Philip lombard die?

Lombard does display a weakness, however, that ultimately brings about his downfall: his chivalrous and old-fashioned attitude toward women. In the first group conversation about the murders, he suggests excluding the women from the list of potential suspects, since he considers them incapable of homicidal behavior. Lombard's tendency to underestimate women enables Vera to steal his gun and shoot him when he jumps at her.

Which chapter of Then There Were None does Lombard realize his revolver is missing?

Philip Lombard realizes his revolver is missing in Chapter 12 of "And Then There Were None". This realization occurs when he is searching for his weapon and realizes it has been stolen.

Who would make a good Philip Lombard?

Bradley Cooper fits the describtion of having light eyes, a mysterious smile and being tall. He also just has that "bad guy" look Lombard has.

How old was Carole Lombard at death?

US actress Carole Lombard was killed in a plane crash on January 16, 1942 when she was 33 years old (born Jane Alice Peters October 6, 1908). She was married to actor Clark Gable, having previously been married to Dick Powell.

Who carries a revolver in And Then There Were None?

Philip Lombard carries a revolver in "And Then There Were None." He is a former military man and chooses to carry the gun for protection on the isolated island where the characters are stranded.