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Q: How old is the city of Teotihuacan?
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Which does not describe the city of teotihuacan?

The phrase "It was used by the Roman Gladiators" does not describe the city of Teotihuacan.

Why did they named the city of gods teotihuacan?

because city of gods means teotihuacan in there language

What was the significance of Teotihuacan?

Teotihuacan was a major Mesoamerican city that flourished between the 1st and 7th centuries AD. It was one of the largest cities of its time, with impressive urban planning and monumental architecture. Teotihuacan was an important cultural and economic center in Mesoamerica, influencing later civilizations like the Aztecs.

What present city is the ancient city of teotihuacan near?

Mexico City

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What is the Teotihuacan capital?

Teotihuacan was a city-state (e.g. it was its own capital) built some 800 years before Aztecs arrived to the Mexico City valley in 1325. By the time the Aztecs found the city, it was already abandoned. In fact, the actual name of the city was lost in the sands of time, so the Aztecs named it as Teotihuacan ("City of the Gods").

What is the city's most famous structure called Teotihuacan?


What city is the pyramind of the sun and moon located in Mexico?

Teotihuacan, on the outskirts of Mexico City.