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It depends on the climate on which the olive tree is being produced. It does need a little cold though. It can grow on rocky surfaces like in Texas.

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Q: How old must an olive tree be before it can produce olives?
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How long does it take to grow palm oil?

The type of cultivar of olive you are growing will determine how long it takes for the olive to bear fruit. The Arbequina and Koroneiki cultivars bear fruit after approximately 3 years, while other cultivars often do not bear fruit until they are 5 to 12 years old.

An olive oil producer wants to create 8.75 liters of a special blend of olive oil pressed from four varieties of olives How much oil must he press from the fourth variety of olive if he presses 2.17?

Huh??? 2.17 L, but I guess you knew that sense you already answered it. Lol

What are the traditional ingredients for Armenia's black olives with seasoning?

Black olives, hot pepper flakes, olive oil and oreganoare traditional ingredients in Armenia's black olives with seasoning.Specifically, the black olives are sprinkled with oregano and then with pepper flakes. The olives and the seasonings are mixed together gently until blended. The ingredients then are spooned into a jar that must have a wide mouth. When all of the seasoned olives are in the jar, enough olive oil is added to fill the jar three-fourths (3/4) full.The jar needs to be capped tightly and stored in a cool place. Over the next week, the jar needs to be turned upside down two or three (2-3) times every other day.

Is unrefined olive oil and cold pressed olive oil the same thing?

There are many types of olive oil, each made in a different way. 'Cold-press' olive oils are made with a special chemical-free process that results in higher-quality olive oil with lower acidity. Most virgin olive oils are made with this cold press technique, and so are fruitier and lighter than regular olive oils. Regular olive oils tend to have a lighter color, less noticeable flavor, and a lower smoking point than cold pressed olive oils. The lack of flavor makes this oil ideal for certain types of baking, where the flavor of olives is undesirable. They are also less expensive, as the chemical processes used to refine this oil are more accessible to manufacturers.

Will an opened can of olives spoil if left out the refrigerator?

you can not eat an open can of anything that is not refridgerated. anything in a can must be consumed promptly or stored in a plastic container while in fridge. you can get sick if you leave it in the can.

How do you prevent a snake bite?

First you must get olive oil.Then you drink the olive oil.Next you must get a sharp item,like a knife or fork.Then the poison will be taken out of the bite.And last you must suck the poison and then drink the olive oil,to prevent you from getting poisoned.

What expenses a firm must pay before it can begin to produce and sell goods are?

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Can you eat walnuts right off the tree?

No, they taste terrible!! In order to taste the way they're supposed to, olives must be pickled in a salt and olive oil solution... otherwise they will not taste good at all

How are olives prosest?

If you mean "How are olive processed" then:Olive ProductionAs a rough guide, around 75% of total production is green olives and 25% is black or coloured. Olive trees need space, sunshine and room to grow. The best olives come from low-growing trees which enables the fruit to mature properly. In traditional groves there are fewer trees per acre and they are fertilised with horse manure, watered sparingly and harvested by hand.High volume producers cram in many more trees per acre, use chemical fertilizers for high yield and harvest the olives by machine. As we are primarily concerned with using our olives for tapas, we will naturally want the best quality olives and oils.Olive HarvestingThe harvesting occurs in September and October after the sun has done its job and ripened them to perfection. By then the olives will be full size but the colour will not yet have changed. In keeping with a long tradition, the branches of the olive tree are beaten with long sticks and the ripe fruit falls into nets that have been spread out around the base of the trees. Only the fully-ripe, undamaged olives being used for the best oils. Machines are never used for top-quality olive oil because they bruise the fruit and damage the precious trees.It is a common mis-conception that olives, once ripened and picked, are edible. They are not! Believe me, I've tried it with my own olives and it's not a pleasant experience. They are very tough and extremely bitter.Olive ProcessingBefore you can eat them you must first cure your olives. The curing process for green olives consists of hydrolysis, leaching and fermentation. This process for green olives includes soaking the olives in an alkaline solution first to remove the bitter tannins. They are then leached for about a month, or until ready, in fresh water which is changed on an almost daily basis to remove any impurities.The olives are then placed in huge underground vats, covered with a strong salt brine and left to ferment for 60-90 days. Fermentation converts the natural sugars, and some added sugar, to lactic acid.Once the pH drops to 3.7 and the lactic acid is over 5%, the olives are ready to be prepared and packaged. To retain their yellow-green hue the olives are kept in a salt brine and are never exposed to oxygen.At this point they go their separate ways to be canned, bottled, stuffed and sliced prior to being delivered to specialist suppliers, your local deli and supermarkets across the world.All this work just so that you and I can enjoy their rich heritage and unique taste.

What level do you get an olive tree on FarmVille?

You can not buy the olive tree on farmville, you have to be sent it as gift. To send an olive tree you must be at level 32. Buy an olive tree for 5 farmcash in the market

Does the Olive Garden take online reservations?

"No, the Olive Garden does not take online reservations you must call your local Olive Garden to make reservations. However, the Olive Garden is usually not especially crowded."

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To produce metal from an ore, the ore must be mined, or removed from the ground. Then the ore must be processed to extract the metal.