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Orpingtons are fairly moderate early maturing and should lay their first egg at about 7 months old. Start them on laying MASH at about 5 months for best eggs.

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Q: How old must orpington hens be before they lay eggs?
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Related questions

How often must a hen be fertilized?

Hens can live a whole life without fertilization and still lay fresh eggs just as frequently as hens who are mated regularly. To produce fertilized eggs for hatching, hens must be mated about once weekly.

If three hens lay four eggs in five days how many days will it take eight hens to lay a dozen eggs?

5 days i thinkAnswerIf three hens lay four eggs in five days then one hen lays 4/15 eggs in one many days for one hen to lay 48 eggs?4/15 x = 48x=180If twelve hens are on the job?180/12 = 15 days

Why do hens slow down on laying eggs when the weather gets colder?

Probalay because when they get cold it must be harder on them...

What do hens got to do when before eggs come?

Hens must first be old enough to lay eggs. If your hens are still young (under 5 months old) then patience. If they are older than 3 years old then replace them or get used to having less eggs. In between the above (approximate) ages then start feeding them a laying mash specially formulated with extra minerals and protein available at all feed stores. Check the supplied link below to see how many eggs the breed you have are expected to produce, you may have a breed than does not lay daily.

Do hen lays unfertilized eggs?

Most chicken eggs produced for consumption are unfertilized. Eggs found in the grocery stores are typically produced by chickens that never come in contact with a rooster.In backyard flocks, however, there is usually a rooster present with the hens and he ensures that the eggs are fertilized by mating the hens regularly. Eggs from hens who have been mated in the past week are fertilized chicken eggs. They can be eaten or incubated and hatched into chicks.Yes, hens can and do lay unfertilized eggs. In fact, most grocery store eggs come from hens that have not been mated by a rooster and therefore are unfertilized.Yes, a hen that has not mated with a rooster in the past ten days will lay only unfertilized eggs. A hen that has never been with a rooster will only lay unfertilized eggs.A rooster must mate a hen for her to lay eggs, and after she is first mated it will still take about a week for her eggs to be fertilized, as it takes about that long for the rooster's sperm to travel to the hen's ovaries where her eggs are fertilized before the shell covers them and before they are laid.

Can a baby chicken in a egg chirp when ready to hatch while still in the egg?

If you buy your eggs from a supermarket then no, the eggs sold in grocery stores and supermarkets are not fertilized and can never produce a chick. If you purchase your eggs from a local farmer then it might be possible given the right conditions. The flock of hens that laid the eggs must have had an active rooster among them. The eggs must be very fresh and should not have been refrigerated.

How long must a chicken run with a particular rooster to ensure the eggs are fertilized by only that rooster and not others before they were segregated?

While the new rooster will attempt to mate with the hens right away it is usually a few days before he can gain their acceptance. Roosters deposit a sperm sac which is good for up to 10 days without a re-mating so you can be sure the new rooster has fertilized the hens 10 days after he is active with the hens.

What does He that would have eggs must endure the cackling of hens means?

You have to put up with hard times to get the things you want. eg. if you want to be a doctor you must endure studying hard.

Do birds eggs have to be fertilized to make chicks?

No, not all chicken eggs are fertilized. Most mass-produced eggs from battery farm operations are not fertilized, as the hens live their whole lives without seeing a rooster. Roosters must mate with the female chickens in order for the hens to produce fertilized eggs. No rooster, no fertilization. Hens are able to produce fertilized eggs for 1-2 weeks from one conjugal encounter with a rooster, but it takes a few days for the rooster's sperm to begin fertilizing her eggs.

Can a rooster be to old?

At his funeral, or when he can't chase and catch the hens.

What do they look like when they are fixen to lay their eggs?

By "fixen to" you must be a Texan. By eggs you must be referring to a chicken. Chickens become restless and quiet just before they lay their eggs.

How old to breed hen?

Most hens will begin laying eggs at 6 months of age. If you want to hatch these eggs the hen must have been with a rooster. There is no danger in breeding a hen too early unless the rooster is overly agressive.