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Q: How old should you be when you get a boyfriend without having your parents freak?
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What should you do if my boyfriend is coming over and my parents won't be home?

You should not be having your boyfriend over if they're not home. Your parents won't trust you if you do things like that behind their backs. Plus, if you and your boyfriend end up having sex, you could become pregnant and ruin your life before you're even grown up.

When can you have your first boyfriends?

You can have your first boyfriend whenever, just as long as your comfortable with it. And your parents should be as well, because if they're not, chances are you won't have a boyfriend without getting in trouble!

How should i tell my parents you have a boyfriend?

You should just get the nerves to tell them. It is much better when they are in a good mood, and don't just come out and say "I have a boyfriend!" That wouldn't be the best. Start out by telling them about this person and what they like and what type of a person he is. Then when you think they should know, just say he is your boyfriend and you really love him and they shouldn't judge you for having a boyfriend. It's hard, but it is better if your parents know about it, then if they find out another way, and not from you yourself.

Should you introduce your parents to your boyfriend read discussion?

you should only introduce your boyfriend to your parents if its a serios relationship if not then dont even bother. If you want instead you colud just tell them you have a boyfriend

Should you have a boyfriend at 11?

You probably should talk to your parents about the situation, I think 11 is a little young to have a boyfriend.

How do you get over the stress of having strict parents?

you don't.. you either except it because it will never change or you have a calm discussion about how you should let your parents be trust worthey of you to not do anything with your boyfriend/girlfriend. Parents will always be strict because they care.

What should you do when your boyfriend gets mad bc your parents do not let you spend the night with him?

If he cares about you he will understand. Do you want a uncaring boyfriend? Your parents do care about you.

Should you move whit your parents or boyfriend?

to las Vegas

What should you do if you have a boyfriend and he is not willing to discontinue the relationship?

Involve your parents.

How would you handle the situation if your boyfriend gets you in trouble with your parents?

You should dump him or tell on his parents.

Should you tell your parents you have a boyfriend even though you have had boyfriends in the past?

yus you should :']

You just found out your 16 year old is pregnant from her ex-boyfriend who is 19 should you inform his parents?

Well, you should accompany your daughter and the boyfriend to his parents and let them tell them, and inform his parents that you do not plan on being the only grandparent involved.....