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Carbon dating on his skin indicates that he was anywhere from 17 to 19 when he died, but no one really knows for sure.

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Q: How old was King Tut when he died?
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Why did king tut?

King Tut was only 19 years old when he died and he died because he was inbread

How old when king tut when he became a pharaoh?

King tut was about 9 or 10 years old when he first started ruling ancient egypt

How old was King Tutankhamun's Brother when he died?

king tut's brother died at age 40

How old are King Tutankhamun's children?

Tut's children was 0 years old when they died because they were dead when they were in Tut's wife stomach.

Did King Tutankhamun want to be king?

"Yes," but he wanted his father to see him become king, King Tut was the only one that could become king because when he was 5 years old his brother and father died. King Tut had NO choice but to take the crown sins he was next in line. King Tut and his brother were really close. So king Tut was really sad that his brother died and his father.

How did King Tutankhamun's father die?

King Tut's father died mysterously, but he had probably died of old age.

How old was Ankhesenamun the wife of King Tut when she died?

It is believed she was around 26 years old.

Which Egyptian king died at sixteen years old?

none. that i know of. maybe you are confused with king tut who died around 17

How old was King Tutankhamun when he got the throne?

king tut became king at the Young age of 9 and died at 19.

How old was King Tut when he died and how long did he rule Egypt?

King Tutankhamun died at the age of 19 and he rule Egypt for 10 years.

How old was Akhasenamon when she married tut?

She was twelve years old when she married king Tut.

Who was King Tut's Farther?

No one knows who King Tut's farther was even though his mother died when he was born. No one knows who King Tut's farther was even though his mother died when he was born.