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He went to the Polytechnic School in Graz, Austria, and at the University of Prague at age 19.

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Q: How old was Nikola Tesla when he started his first universisty?
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Who created the first radio?

Nikola Tesla

When was the first radio created?

In 1893, Nikola Tesla, in America, first demonstrated the principles of wireless communications. Tesla as the originator of wireless communications.

What did Nikola Tesla first research?

The telephone repeater was his first invention.

Who did Nikola Tesla first work for when he came to the US?

He worked with Edison.

Did Nikola Tesla invent hydroelectric energy?

The Hydroelectric in Niagara Falls by Tesla, was the first of it's kind. Yes he did.

Did Nikola Tesla ever visit Toronto?

Nikola Tesla inspected the Niagara falls in both sides before making the plans of the hydroplant. This plant was the first one in it's category.

How did Nikola Tesla and guglielmo invent the radio?

Tesla had it first. A mysterious fire put that on hold but it was known because he did lectures on the radio. Marconi used 17 patents granted to Tesla to make his radio. Tesla let him go ahead and work his company but the patent was granted to nikola Tesla.

Where was the first hydro electric plant built?

Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse built the first hydro-electric power plant in 1895 in Niagara Falls and started the electrification of the world.

When was the radio invented by Mr Marconi?

Answer, never! Marconi used 17 pattens of Nikola Tesla to send his famous letter "s". United States Supreme Court gave back the Nobel prize and the honor to Nikola Tesla in the 1940s Nikola Tesla invented the first radio controlled boat. Go back further and you will find Hertz. He actually had created the first transistor and receiver but Nikola Tesla perfected it. Thank you Hertz for your discoveries and Nikola Tesla for perfecting our wireless phones, Remote control, radio controlled anything" Please research your history!

Where did Nikola Tesla work when he was 19?

He worked at Budapest Telephone Exchange where he made his first invention.

What is Nikola Tesla's electromagnetic motor?

In 1888 Nikola Tesla patented the first practicable AC motor and with it the polyphase power transmission system which had the smooth-running, commutator-free motor with the rotor as its only moving part.