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Get a camara and a recorder and Action !!! or get a family member cuz maybe they dont know who they are messing with and FAMILY COMES FIRST!!!

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Q: How people get suspended for bullying people?
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Should students be immediately suspended for bullying?


What could happen to someone who is a bully?

It depends what situation.. ( these are mostly school scenes.) >>>> Computer bullying ( Cyber Bullying) will be blocked from facebook, msn etc. Bullying at school: Isolation and forced to apologise and even expelled. Both people bullying each other : Both apaolgise and foget about it. Violent bullying: Expelled or suspended Basically: IF SOMEONE IS BULLYING YOU TELL SOMEONE Also : IF YOU ARE THE BULLY THEN STOP

Can you get suspended from school for teasing someone?

Teasing for you can mean harassment and bullying to someone else. And yes, in serious cases you can get suspended. yes you can!

What are all consequences of bullying?

Suspended Expelled Sent to a Juvenile Prison for 30 days (depends what you do)

What type of bullying is it called when you are bullying gay people?

It is called homophobic bullying or homophobia.

Is there a haedquartears on animal so they can take someone off animal jam?

There is a person if people report you for bullying and stuff you can get your account suspended after u get banned 3 times your account will be permanently banned

What is peer bullying?

It is bullying by people in the same age group as you. It is basically the type of bullying that we have all come to know as just 'bullying'

Are people addicted to bullying?

some people cant help bullying after they have done it for so long =]

How many people have been affecteed by bullying in schools?

alot of people is getting hurt from bullying

Who researches bullying?

People who researches bullying do it for the information they do not have a name for what it is for example I research bullying but i do it for the information to educate others

Should students get suspended for cyberbullying?

Yes, I do believe that if a student were to bully them on the internet ( or known as cyber bullying ) they should be suspended. Even if it is on the Internet, it is still considered bullying. There have been some cases where the victim committed suicide ( or known as bullycide ) because of cyber bullying. Either way, it does not matter if it was on the Internet or not, it is still bullying and it hurts the victim. It depends on where they are cyberbullying. If the School is 100% sure it is while on their premises then they may take a view to suspend a student. If it is from elsewhere then it cannot be held responsible for that student and therefore they should not suspend them.

Who causes bullying?
