

How profitable are cattle?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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13y ago

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Not very profitable, thanks to increased prices in fertilizer, feed, and fuel to feed and care for cattle.

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Q: How profitable are cattle?
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Who made the western cattle industry profitable?

Ranchers made the western cattle industry profitable. They did this by selling and raising cattle for food and agricultural purposes.

Advantages of cattle farming?

Cattle Farming can be a profitable business.

What made the cattle industry profitable?

The western cattle industry was very profitable because the cattle cost very little to feed. The cattle were also worth very little in the south but roughly tripled in value when shipped to the north.

What made the western cattle industry profitable?

The western cattle industry was very profitable because the cattle cost very little to feed. The cattle were also worth very little in the south but roughly tripled in value when shipped to the north.

What is the Cattle Boom?

1860-1880. It is when the railroad made it profitable to raise cattle, but by 1880 the land had been over grazed and too many cattle sent to the stock yards.

What are homeless cattle?

Are called vagrant and are those which have left out by their owner for reason that may be the cattle is no more profitable to the owner or some time due to the reason that that cattle has been suffering from some conatgious disease (allthough this is illegal and unethical)

Why did cattle ranching become profitable in the 1870?

Cattle ranching became more profitable in the 1870s because of the railroad. It cost much less to send cattle or their meat using the railroad.

Was John Wayne a profitable burger salesman?

I had never heard that he ever sold burgers. Later in his life he owned a cattle ranch (I think in Arizona) where they had a cattle auction every year.

What farm animal is most profitable to raise and get a high return on investment?

There is a lot of debate about which farm animal is the most profitable to raise and get a high return on investment. Some say it is cattle but others say goats.

Why did the cattle industry become profitable after the civil war?

There was a high demand for beef because all the cattle were slaughtered during the war for meat. As with basic economics states, when demand exceeds supply, prices rise, thus making it a profitable venture to raise cattle.

What made cattle ranching so profitable in the late the 1800s?

Being able to brand your cows so that they could be identified and fencing off land so cattle were not lost were two things that helped make cattle ranching so profitable in the late 1800s. Railroads helped cut the transportation costs.