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For the Christians, it hasn't caused any radical change or trauma to other than few people who mis interpreted it . Actually , the best part is that , religion had a lot to do with scientific discoveries . For eg ,

-Fr.Gregor Mendel is the father of genetics and he was Roman catholic priest .

-Monsg.Fr.Georges Henri Lemaitre introduced the concept of what is today know as the BIG BANG THEORY and even suggested that universe wasn't static even when Einstein believed so ! Interestingly , he too was a Roman Catholic priest .

-Roger Bacon - A fransciscan Friar who made significant contributions to Mathematics and optics and has been described as a forerunner of modern scientific method.

The list is tremendous and the fact that the general population isn't aware of them arises my curiosity . All they know is a puffed up , ever changing story of Galileo and the Church !!

A very large list of Cleric scientists alone can be found in wikipedia ! (Google it!)

Also , there were several great scientists who were vocal about their faiths and had not problem in reconciling religion with science ! It's a matter of prespective ! Examples include the great Louis Pastuer , Alexandro Volta , Marconi , etc

Living examples could be Lisa Randall of NASA , Nobel winner Arno Penzias , etc

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Scientific discoveries have challenged traditional religious beliefs by providing alternative explanations for natural phenomena. The theory of evolution, for example, has conflicted with some religious creation narratives. However, these discoveries have also forced religious perspectives to evolve, leading to new understandings and interpretations of religious texts. Ultimately, science and religion continue to coexist and influence each other in complex ways.

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Q: How scientific discoveries have impacted religious beliefs?
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Why were religious leaders threatened by the scientific revolution?

Religious leaders were threatened by the scientific revolution because new scientific discoveries often challenged traditional religious beliefs and teachings. The idea that the Earth revolved around the sun, for example, contradicted the belief that the Earth was the center of the universe as taught by the church. This conflict between science and religion led to tension and resistance from religious authorities.

What scientific discoveries and methods during the Age of Enlightenment made religion and spiritual concerns?

During the Age of Enlightenment, scientific discoveries such as heliocentrism (Copernicus), evolution (Darwin), and the laws of physics (Newton) challenged traditional religious beliefs by providing naturalistic explanations for phenomena previously attributed to divine intervention. The scientific method, with its emphasis on empirical evidence and rational inquiry, also promoted a more secular worldview that questioned religious dogma. These developments led to a shift in society's focus from spiritual concerns to a more evidence-based approach to understanding the world.

How secure is eternal life?

Eternal life is a concept that is often associated with religious beliefs and does not have a proven scientific basis. The security of eternal life would depend on one's faith in the relevant religious teachings or beliefs. From a scientific perspective, achieving eternal life is not currently possible.

What was the religious movement called during the 1920's?

One significant religious movement during the 1920s in the United States was the rise of Fundamentalism, which emphasized a literal interpretation of the Bible and a strict adherence to traditional religious beliefs. This movement was a response to Modernism, which sought to reconcile religious beliefs with new scientific and intellectual developments.

Why do religious people hate Charles Darwin?

Not all religious people hate Charles Darwin. Some religious individuals may disagree with his theory of evolution because they believe it contradicts their religious beliefs about the origins of life. However, many individuals are able to reconcile their religious beliefs with the scientific theory of evolution.

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What is Johannes Kepler's religion?

Johannes Kepler was a devout Christian and his religious beliefs influenced his scientific work. He was Lutheran and saw his discoveries as a way to understand God's creation.

Why were religious leaders threatened by the scientific revolution?

Religious leaders were threatened by the scientific revolution because new scientific discoveries often challenged traditional religious beliefs and teachings. The idea that the Earth revolved around the sun, for example, contradicted the belief that the Earth was the center of the universe as taught by the church. This conflict between science and religion led to tension and resistance from religious authorities.

The validity of scientific discoveries cannot be based on what?

The validity of scientific discoveries cannot be based on personal beliefs, emotions, or opinions. Science relies on objective evidence, reproducibility of results, and peer review to establish the credibility of discoveries.

Will scientific discoveries lead to the end of religion?

I doubt it.. especially seeing as how lately a lot of discoveries actually confirmed certain religious beliefs. Religion is ultimately about "faith" -- which is belief in the absense of evidence. Religions only fail if they're dependent upon objective evidence.

Which is not affected by religious attitudes?

Scientific facts and evidence are not directly affected by religious attitudes. However, interpretations of scientific findings or how they are applied may be influenced by religious beliefs.

What scientific discoveries and methods during the Age of Enlightenment made religion and spiritual concerns?

During the Age of Enlightenment, scientific discoveries such as heliocentrism (Copernicus), evolution (Darwin), and the laws of physics (Newton) challenged traditional religious beliefs by providing naturalistic explanations for phenomena previously attributed to divine intervention. The scientific method, with its emphasis on empirical evidence and rational inquiry, also promoted a more secular worldview that questioned religious dogma. These developments led to a shift in society's focus from spiritual concerns to a more evidence-based approach to understanding the world.

How did the new scientific discoveries alter the concept of God and religion?

New scientific discoveries have challenged traditional religious beliefs by providing alternative explanations for natural phenomena that were once attributed to divine intervention. The concept of God has shifted for some individuals, as they now see a greater emphasis on scientific explanations rather than religious ones. However, it is important to note that these discoveries do not necessarily disprove the existence of God, but rather offer different perspectives on understanding the world. Religion and personal belief systems continue to evolve and adapt in light of new scientific knowledge.

Why was scientific questioning discouraged in the middle ages?

The scientific finding could conflict with the religious views of the world a majority of people held, and anything that disagreed with religious beliefs was considered evil.

How did discoveries in science lead to a new way of thinking for europeans?

Discoveries in science, such as those made during the Scientific Revolution, challenged traditional beliefs held by Europeans and encouraged them to question the world around them. Observations made through telescopes, microscopes, and other instruments provided concrete evidence that contradicted prevailing religious and philosophical teachings. This led to a shift towards empiricism, rationalism, and the use of the scientific method to understand the natural world.

How is scientific truth different from religious truth?

The difference is that scientific 'truth' changes with every new discovery, while religious 'truth' remains unchanging. Scientific truth is based on proven facts and figures and experiments Religious truth is based on beliefs - faith, hope and love

How did the religious community respond to these new theories about the universe and nature?

The religious community had varied responses to new theories about the universe and nature: some embraced them as uncovering the complexities of God's creation, others viewed them with suspicion as challenging traditional beliefs, and a few outright rejected them as conflicting with religious doctrine. Overall, there was a mix of acceptance, resistance, and attempts to reconcile scientific discoveries with theological understanding.

Why is the world as it is?

Many people have different beliefs of why the world is as it is some of these beliefs being religious and others being scientific. The scientific belief as to why the world is as it is, is the big bang theory. There are also religious reasons as to why the world is as it is this being that many believe that God created the world in seven days.