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Pretty severe and it doesn't get raised that much. Not enough to cause any problems other than a loss of libido maybe. Your libido comes back once you quit.

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Q: How severe a heroin habit does someone have to have to raise their prolactin hormone level?
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Is heroin a good drug if you have severe anxiety?

It will work great!

Can Heroin causes bleeding of the anus and why?

Yes it can because taking heroin while being addicted to it and then suddenly stopping can cause hemorrhaging and this can cause renal failure or a gastrointestinal bleed.

What is severe manner?

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What treatment often cause addiction?

There are a couple of scenarios that come to mind. One is when you are given drugs for an addiction to other drugs. Someone may start out addicted to heroin and end up addicted to methadone from the clinic. Another situation is when someone has severe pain and they get addicted to narcotic pain medication.

How addicting is Oxycontin?

Extremely addictive... more addictive than any other drug. Prescription or otherwise. More pure than Heroin... Do not take unless you have severe to very severe pain.

How is severe premenstrual syndrome treated?

Antidepressant drugs, hormone treatment, or (only in extreme cases) surgery to remove the ovaries. Hormone treatment usually involves oral contraceptives.

What happens if you get caught with geroin in the state of Georgia?

Heroin is at current illegal all across the United States. If an individual is caught by Heroin, depending on quantity and previous offenses the individual may be given prison time, probation, or severe fines. Heroin possession is a felony charge in all quantities.

What are the chances of having a healthy baby if you used heroin in your first trimester?

The baby would probably not die, but could be born with mild-severe brain damage and learning difficulties, and also mild-severe deformities and disabilities

What does a person's face look like during a heroin overdose?

They will appear to be asleep. If the overdose is severe enough, then they will have turned blue because of respiratory failure.

What hormone whose production in inadequate amounts of myxedema?

The hormone whose production is inadequate in myxedema is thyroid hormone, specifically thyroxine (T4). Myxedema is a severe form of hypothyroidism, which occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. This leads to a variety of symptoms, including fatigue, weight gain, cold intolerance, and dry skin.

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What is the difference between heroin and oxycodone?

Heroin is a street drug, made from poppies. Oxycodone is a semi-synthetic opiate used in numerous dosages, as to relieve moderate to severe pain. Although it is still an abused substance, oxycodone has medical use, while herioin, it purely recriational.