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Mother gerbils should stay with there babies until atleast 4 weeks of age. If they eat there babies then something is wrong either they are dehydrated, the pup is sick, ect. If the father is with them it is fine. Gerbil's make great dads. To learn more go to:

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Q: How should a mother gerbil care for her baby gerbils?
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Wen are baby gerbils ready to go to a new home?

Gerbils should not be separated from their mother until at least six weeks of age, since they still have many gerbil behaviors to learn. Gerbils taken from their mother before then can suffer from not being as friendly or healthy as they could be.

Can a boy gerbil be with a girl gerbil?

yes but only if you are expecting baby gerbils.

Will the male gerbil eat the female gerbil and the baby gerbils?

no male gerbils are very caring so dont split them up

How often do baby gerbils feed when bottle fed?

Baby gerbils should be fed by their mother, but if this isn't possible, it is best to use kitten replacement milk (purchasable at pet retail stores). Feed them at least three times a day with an eyedropper until the gerbil is around three weeks old. Then you can alternate between Cheerios or bread soaked in the milk and the eyedropper of it to wean them to real food in the next week. Gerbils should be able to start eating seeds and gerbil mixes around 4 weeks of age.

How long does a baby gerbil stay with its mother?

5 weeks, but should be separated at 6.

Can your gerbils die off milk?

Baby gerbils need their mother's milk and should not be given anything but kitten replacement milk and only if something happens to the mother.

What do you do with your gerbil if its partner dies?

Play with it more and when it gets older get 2 baby gerbils to keep it company.

How do you introduce a baby male gerbil to an adult female gerbil?

Like if you intruduce a baby gerbil to a female and a male gerbil they might be nice to him but the male gerbil might play fight or fight in the cage i do not think if you leave the baby gerbil in the same cage with the male gerbil or a female gerbil the female gerbil migt fight or play fight with the baby gerbil if u do please be real care full because if the male gerbil no that the babby gerbil if its a baby girl gerbil yhey will mate or if u do the same with the adult female gerbil they mate to with a baby boy gerbil or adult gerbil will mate to and also mate means that the female gerbil have babbies with the male gerbils .

Why would your gerbil get fat over night?

Either your gerbil is pregnant, or they have eaten too many sunflower seeds in one sitting. Try removing sunflower seeds from their diet. If they are still fat after one week, then your gerbil is probably expecting. For info on how to take care of baby gerbils, ask on this site 'How do you take care of baby gerbils?'.

How long do baby gerbils stay with the mother?

Gerbil pups should remain with their mothers for at least six weeks, if not eight, even though they are weaned at week four. Gerbils still have many behaviors to learn, and separating them from mom early can lead to gerbils being aggressive and untameable.

Is it normal for a mother gerbil to carry baby gerbil in her mouth?

Yes, she is probably just moving it

What is a female gerbil called?

Female gerbils are called does, the males are called bucks, a baby is called a pup, and a group of them is called a clan or a horde.