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Heat fixed; because it kills the bacteria,firmly affix the smear to the microscope slide, and allow the sample to more readily take up the stain.

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Q: How should a smear specimen be fixed and why?
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The specimen will?ænot absorb adequate stain, resulting in little contrast. Thus making it difficult for identification of?ædifferent components of the specimen.

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Is a pap smear 100 percent accurate?

No it is not. There are various places for errors. The specimen may not be perfect, and there are possible errors in the processing too.

Why do you air-dry a smear?

To avoid denaturing and destroying the smear.

What would you expect from a gram stain done on a slide that was heated too hot during the heat-fixed smear?

A Gram stain refers to a staining technique for the identification of bacteria. A Gram stain done on a slide that was heated too hot during the heat-fixed smear will destroy the cell wall of the bacteria.

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Why is it often necessary to use a cover slip when using the microscope?

Coverslip is not placed on a microscope but on the stained specimen on slide . This protects objective lens of microscope from getting stain from a wet mount . It also protects permanent slide .

Should you always use sterilized water for smear preparation?

Yes, when you are performing smear preparation, you should always use sterilized water. This will ensure that nothing contaminates your slide.

When observing a slide should the specimen be on the top or bottom surface of the microscope?

A specimen should be on the top surface of the slide and place a cover-slip over it.