

Best Answer
Dear Diary,Somehow or another, "Dear Diary, Today I want to tell you how I feel about the Reign of Terror." That ought to get your off to a good start. You might want to mention the names of at least a dozen or so people who were sent to the guillotine and be sure to include details like what they were wearing, their last words and why the world will be deprived by their absence or why the world was a better place because they met The National Razor.

Add as much of the gory details that you can find and try to interject any humorous detail that you can find. (Diaries are a private Affair after all and you will be quite pleased with yourself if or when you someday look back at the entry.) Get the facts right and check your spelling, grammar, punctuation and Capitalization because you surely don't want to appear as if you were stupid, intoxicated or hallucinating, when you made the original entry.

Diary space is sometimes limited, so keep it simple, factual and entertaining by squeezing in as many factoids as possible without repetition, superlatives and unessential adjectives. Never use acronyms, Morse Code, Chat Room lingo, foreign languages, street talk, slang, vulgarities or obscenities. (Mothers are snoopy but busy people, and they don't have time for bovine male fecal matter.) (Why do you think she gave you a lockable, privacy guaranteed Diary with a spare key when you turned thirteen?)

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Q: How should i start a diary on the reign of terror?
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When did the reign of terror start?

The french revolutin

When Reign of terror start?

July 1793 to July 1794

Who was executed at the start of the reign of terror?

me ha lol jk

Give as many reasons as possible as to why the Reign of Terror was actually a Reign of Terror?

The Reign of Terror took place because they had no way of controlling the people so they decided to just kill anyone who got in their way. It went on as long as it did because the people were too afraid to stand up to Robespierre (the man responsible for the start of the Reign of Terror).

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they believed it would be the start of "republic of virtue"

The reign terror is associated with what country?

The Reign of Terror began at the start of the French Revolution. The revolutionary government rounded up and tried and executed King Louis XVI and his family. In addition, many other aristocrats and resistors were also arrested, persecuted and executed during the reign of terror.

Approximately what percentage of those guillotined were nobles and clergy?

about 80 percent.

When did the reign of terror begin?

27, June 1793 to 27, July, 1794

Why did the jacobins start the reign of terror?

the jacobins were afraid that people wouldn't support them and therefore they would lose power. so they used violence and terror to force the people to vote and keep them in power.

What event of the French Revolution occured first in the French Revolution?

The historical start of the French Revolution was the Storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789.

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There are no seeds for Let's go to the city/City Folk. Looks like that means your reign of terror will never start, o seeder of peril. -TB

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