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nope... just not have sex with him so offen and then for a while... u will be come friends and not boy friend and girl frined

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Q: How should you break-up with your boyfriend if you want to remain friends?
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Should a girl call her boyfriend after a breakup?

Only if you agreed to be friends, which doesn't always work.

What should you do when your boyfriend wants to remain friends with his ex-girlfriend but you know it is just going to hurt your relationship?

Tell your boyfriend how you feel about it.

Should a boyfriend stay friends with his x?

That is a matter of his personal choice and it also depends on whether or not his X wants to remain friends.

What to do if your friends fall out with your boyfriend?

If your friends are warning you that your boyfriend is not a nice guy and you should break up with him then they are seeing the reality of his character and love has blinded you so it would be a good idea to listen to your friends. If your friends just think he does not fit in with their crowd and your boyfriend is a nice guy, then your friends are not your true friends and you should remain loyal to your boyfriend. Be wise, take a second look at your boyfriend and consider what your friends are saying about him if they don't feel he treats you well.

What would you do with your boyfriend behind your friends backs?

The correct situation is what happens between you and your boyfriend is none of your friends business and is private unless you so choose to tell them something private. What your boyfriend tells you about himself should remain between the two of you and your friends need not know.

A girl and you really like each other but she has a horrible boyfriend and you both know it but she won't break up with him what should you do?

remain friends

Why do you care that your ex has a boyfriend?

because u havent been got over with the breakup and you still like the person or maybe u feel that the person who has made u unhappy should also not remain happy

What should a 13 year old do with her boyfriend for fun?

Take him to the movies or breakup with him if he doesn't like you anymore. ( if he breakup up with you have a glow up then he'll be jealous!)

Should you hang out with your friends or your boyfriend?

you should hang out with.......... boyfriend............. don't no y

If your friend brokeup with their boyfriend and you kinda like them but you are great friends what should you do?

If you are asking if you should date your good friend's boyfriend then you should ask her if she minded. If she does then it is a good idea not to date her ex because there is still a chance they could get together. If you are asking if you can still remain friends with the boyfriend and your friend then see them separately and let each of them know you are doing so. Honesty is the best policy.

What to do if your boyfriend likes your best friend and your best friends boyfriend likes you?

You should break up with your boyfriend and get your best friends instead

What should you have boyfriend or best friends?

Best friends they are always gonna be there for you