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Q: How should you treat a jammed knee?
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How do you treat a jammed thumb?

put ice on it while elevated

How should you treat a knee injury if there is no doctor?

RICE. Rest Ice Compression Elevation

How should you treat a knee injury if no doctor?

RICE. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.

How should I treat a swollen knee?

A swollen knee should be treated by putting ice on it three times a day for twenty minutes at a time, soaking it in a warm bath and wrapping it in a compression bandage.

To exam and treat the interior of a knee?


Is the guy to the left of you gay?

I don't think so, he seems pretty glum. Of course, that may be because I jammed my elbow in his rib after he kept putting his hand on my knee. We're not even wearing the same colored pants. I'm not sure how he could keep confusing my knee for his own but I got pretty tired of it and jammed him hard. Now he sits to the left of me all sulky should have heard him...all "owww"....what a girl.

How can you tell if your finger is jammed?

Almost all of us have experienced the pain and swelling of a jammed finger, whether it was caught in a car door or slammed by a falling lid. There are a number of ways to treat a jammed finger yourself, although few self-treatments can replace the skilled attention of a medical professional. A finger that is not too seriously injured can be immobilized with a splint, and analgesics and anti-inflammatories can be used to reduce the pain and swelling. When in doubt, you should contact your health care professional to be sure you properly treat your injury.Before treating a jammed finger, you should first assess the damage. An obvious deformation, immediate bruising, or complete loss of mobility could be signs of a serious fracture or dislocation. Only a trained medical professional should treat a jammed finger which displays the characteristics of a broken bone or damaged circulatory system. If the injury is severe, use an arm sling to immobilize the hand and go immediately to an emergency room for treatment. Hope you liked and this really helped!

What can I use to treat a pain behind my knee?

Most commonly, feeling a pain behind the knee is related directly to the Popliteus muscle. The Popliteus muscle is a very small muscle located behind the knee and should be checked by a doctor.

What yoga techniques may be used to treat prostate enlargement?

The knee squeeze and the seated sun poses should become a part of the daily routine.

How do I treat a damaged knee cap?

I need tips for my knee at home

What are the best exercises to treat a knee injury?

There are many exercises a person with a knee injury can do. Doing aerobic or endurance exercises can help. There have been studies that show that aerobic exercises help reduce inflammation, so those should help you.

Is it possible to unjam a thumb?

Yes, it is possible to unjam a jammed thumb by applying ice to reduce swelling, gently stretching the thumb, and resting the thumb to avoid aggravating the injury. If the pain or swelling persists, it is advisable to seek medical attention.