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Sientists discover that they could be 4 inches long

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Q: How small is the tooth fairy?
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Is the tooth fairy the size of a tooth?

Answer: well she is not short and not small. so she might be if you think.

Is the tooth fairey real?

The Tooth Fairy is a popular myth or fairy tale figure in many cultures, where children are told that a fairy will exchange a lost baby tooth under their pillow for a small gift or money. There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of the Tooth Fairy.

What does tooth fairy do with teeth collected from under pillow?

The tooth fairy takes the collected teeth, typically leaving a small amount of money or a small gift in exchange. The teeth are often said to be used to make new stars in the sky or to build fairy houses and castles. Ultimately, however, the specific purpose of the teeth collected by the tooth fairy varies across different cultures and folklore.

How does the tooth fairy know you lost a tooth?

The tooth fairy is your parents

Does the tooth fairy have any pets?

the tooth fairy does have pets dog teeth are the tooth fairy's pets

Are there African tooth fairies?

no there is no African tooth fairy there is no tooth fairy at all

How big or small are tooth faries?

the tooth fairy is a normal sized person than is very quiet and sneaky.

How old is he tooth fairy?

I think the tooth fairy is 27

Does the tooth fairy have helpers?

sorry, but there is no such thing as a tooth fairy

Do tooth fairy has a vacation?

There is no such thing as the stupid tooth fairy

What does the tooth fairy drink?

the tooth fairy drink milk

What is the Tooth fairy movie with The rock called?

Tooth Fairy....(~_~)