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By evaporation or boiling off the water. Reversed osmosis is another one (advanced filtration technique)

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Q: How sodium chloride is separated from its solution with water?
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Related questions

What is it called when you separate a solution?

Salt (sodium chloride) can be separated from water after the evaporation of water.

What method can be use to obtain sodium chloride from sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride is separated from the solution after the evaporation of water.

When sodium chloride is dissolved in water the solution is homogeneous?

The sodium chloride solution of sodium chloride in water is homogeneous.

What is sodium chloride on the pH scale?

The water solution of sodium chloride is neutral.

What forms an electrolyte solution?

Salt in water is sodium. Ringer's lactate solution (sodium lactate solution and Hartmann's solution), is a mix of sodium chloride, sodium lactate, potassium chloride, and calcium chloride in water. Sodium Chloride is a mix of sodium and chloride.

How is sodium chloride seperated?

Sodium chloride is separated from water by evaporation.

Is NaCl a colloid solution?

Yes, sodium chloride is very soluble in water.

What symbol is sodium chloride?

The chemical formula (not symbol) of sodium chloride is NaCl.

What is sodium chloride solution?

This solution contain a specified concentration of sodium chloride.

A solution of sodium chloride in water is?

Sodium chloride dissolved in water form an electrolyte: NaCl..............Na+ + Cl-

How does sodium chloride affect pH?

It is approximately pH 7.

PH level of sodium chloride?

the pH level of sodium chloride (NaCl) is 7.