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Two to three months post-partum.

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Q: How soon should a dairy cow be bred after calving?
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Can you get a cow to breed back faster than 30 days after calving?

Yes, but it's not recommended. Even 30 days post-partum is too soon to get a cow to breed back. Ideally, you should aim to get your cow bred anywhere from 45 to 90 days post-calving to give her time to rest and allow her uterus to involute or go back to its normal size.

How soon will a cow breed back if she gives birth to a dead calf?

If she has given birth to a stillborn calf or aborted a calf, she may ovulate 14 to 16 days after calving. However, you shouldn't get her bred again until 45 to 60 days after calving, to allow complete involution (or shrinking of the uterus).

Once you have bred two dogs successful how soon should you put them together again?

Male dogs can breed frequently, but females should only be bred once a year for health reasons.

What is a dairy cows breed?

Milk is the most important product that dairy cows have to offer, and it has become sort of a necessity for dairy farmers to being breeding heifers as soon as they are able to. A cow cannot produce milk until after calving or parturition (or giving birth). So at around two years of age, the heifers are bred to give birth and officially become dairy cows that can produce milk. Dairy cows will reach its milk production peak at around 40 to 60 days after giving birth. After that, production will steadily decrease. Eventually the milking will cease when the cow is dried off after about 305 days. The dairy cow can calve again a year after her first birth. For high production cows, though, it is viewed that 13 or 14 month cycles is appropriate because high production cows are more difficult to breed. I got more information like this from

Does the father of a foal help look after it?

In most cases, the father of a foal does not play a role in raising or caring for the foal. The responsibility of caring for and raising the foal falls mainly on the mother (mare). The stallion typically continues with his normal activities within the herd or separately.

What is the theme of the dairy of a wimpy kid?

its comeing SOON

Is it better to eat fresh yogurt?

yes because its a dairy product soon it will spoil

How soon after leopard geckos hatch should they be taken out of the incubator?

I have been told from a friend that has bred them for 3 or so years that they can be taken out once they are out of the egg. Be quick though because of the other egg if it is not hatched yet.

What do you call a cow 9 months pregnant?

A heavily pregnant cow, or a long-bred cow. Or, a cow that is expecting soon.

How long should it take a cow to become pregnant again after giving birth and running continuously with bull?

There are just too many factors at play here. First off, why is she being run continuously with the bull? Ideally the bull should be separated from the cow except during the time she needs to be bred or is ready to be bred. She should be bred 45 to 60 days after giving birth, a couple weeks later to time her cycles so that she calves around the same date. But if she's being run with the bull continuously she could have been bred much too soon after birth, like 20 to 30 days after giving birth, which is too soon because it doesn't give her the time to rest and allow her uterus to "involute" or return to its normal shape before conception. So if I were you, unless there's a good reason that the bull should be kept with the cow 24/7/365, consider separating them for the reasons stated above.

What types of food are dairy?

dairy is anything that has milk in it so dairy foods are....yogurt ,milk , ice cream , chocolate , chocolate milk , cake (if you put milk in the batter).im sure there are many more but that's all i go for now .ill update my answer soon bye!

What does captive-born mean?

In relation to animals (using reptiles as an example) it means the 'parents' were wild-caught (as opposed to being bred in captivity) but the babies were born soon after the parents were caught - probably because the female was already gravid when collected. This is in contrast to babies that were captive bred - in that the parents were already products of previous generations bred in captivity.