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Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) don't find their faith to be strict or restricting. The Church does have some beliefs and guidelines that might seem strict by the world's standards, but the guidelines are to be interpreted by the individual. The guidelines set by the Church are not viewed as rules but as ideals or goals to strive for.

In order to be accepted for baptism as a convert to the Church, you must be avoiding drugs, tobacco, alcohol, coffee, and tea. You must also be living a chaste life (avoiding sexual relationships outside of marriage) and obeying the Ten Commandments.

In order to be considered a Mormon 'in good standing' (meaning you are worthy of holding leadership positions and participating in sacred ordinances) you must at minimum:

*be avoiding alcohol, tobacco, drugs, coffee, and tea

*be living a chaste life (no sex outside of marriage)

*attend worship services weekly

*follow the teachings of scripture and prophets

*fulfill all family responsibilities

*pay a tithe (10%)

*dress modestly

*obey the civil law

Many Mormons are not 'in good standing.' There are some who occassionally drink alcohol or coffee. There are many who do not dress modestly or who attend services only occassionally. Studies have shown that at least 20% don't tithe. These are still welcomed with open arms in the Church. Mormons believe that everyone should be able to interpret the guidelines for themselves and to make their own choices, so some are very strict and others are quite liberal.

The Church understands that people make mistakes and face serious issues. They host addiction recovery programs and offer personal and family counseling services to assist those hoping to follow the suggested guidelines of the Church.

The Church does discipline those who commit serious sins. Serious sins are things such as adultery, abuse, rape, murder, apostasy, or being legally convicted of a felony. Depending on the member's position in the church, they may be put on probation (disfellowshipped) or excommunicated.

Check out the "Related Links" to learn more about Mormonism and the guidelines Mormons are expected to follow.

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