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Q: How strong is the glass around a light bulb?
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Related questions

What is the glass around a light bulb called?

a bulb

Why is the glass around the bulb so thin?

For Light to emit properly with out any incident of light happening the glass is kept thin and clear

What is the function of the glass bulb on a lamp?

The glass bulb of a light bulb is known as the globe. It is made from a thin layer of glass to ensure light efficiency and still support the rest of the bulb.

How do you make a light bulb in alchemy?

Electricity + Glass = Light bulb

What does a light bulb have to do with an electrical light source?

A light bulb is a source of electric light. In an incandescent light bulb, the glass bulb forms a protective shield around a glowing filament. The air inside the glass bulb is removed, or replaced with an inert gas. Electric current is passed through a thin metal filament (usually tungsten), which causes it to glow white hot, giving out light. The protective bulb stops the filament from burning up, as it has no Oxygen.

Why is he light bulb called a light bulb?

A light bulb is named due to it being a bulb-shaped glass object containing a glowing element.

What was the first light bulb made up of?

Electricity and a glass bulb

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What are the major materials in a light bulb?


What was the first light bulb mad of?


What is the insulator in a light bulb?

Glass is the insulator in a light bulb. The base has a heavy piece of glass to separate the ring from the center, and there is a glass support inside the bulb to hold up the filament and separate the wires going to the filament.

Does a light bulb consist of oil?

A conventional light bulb consists of glass, metal, and gas, but no oil