

How sun revolve around the earth?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Earth revolves around the sun. 'Nuff Said.

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Q: How sun revolve around the earth?
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Does the earth and other planets revolve around the sun?

yes, the earth and other planets revolve around the sun

Does the sun revolve around the earth why and how long?

No, the earth revolves around the sun. it takes 365 days to completely revolve around it.

Does the Earth revolve around the sun every day?

No it takes one full year for the Earth to revolve around the sun.

Why does the earth revolve around the sun once a year?

The gravitational attraction of the sun causes the earth to revolve around the sun once a year.

What would happen to the season if the earth did not revolve around the sun?

If the earth did not revolve around the sun, there would not be any seasons. The problem is that if the earth did not revolve around the sun, that is, if it came to a stop in its orbit, the sun's gravity (with just the tiniest help from the earth's) would pull the earth into the sun.

What is the time it takes to revolve around the sun?

For the Earth, it takes 365 days to revolve around the Sun.

Does the world rotate or revolve around the sun?

The sun is standing still, it is the earth that rotates round the sun.

How long is mercury's revolution around the sun compared to earth?

Mercury takes about 88 Earth days to revolve around the Sun. Earth takes about 365.25 (Earth) days to revolve around the Sun.

Do the planets revolve around the earth?

No all planets revolve around the nearest star. In our case, the sun.

How many day does Neptune revolve around the sun?

it takes 165 Earth years for Neptune to revolve around the sun.

How many years did earth take to revolve around the sun?

it takes 365 day to revolve around the sun

Do all the planet revolve around sun or earth?

They revolve around the Sun - hence the term Solar System.