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The drought could have contributed to the French Revolution. The crop failure coupled with the cold weather caused the peasants to uprise.

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Q: How the drought could have contributed to the french revolution?
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How did deforestation impact the Maya?

According to historians, the Mayas contributed to their own empirical demise by cutting down more trees during periods of drought in order to expand their impact. Experts suggest this contributed to deforestation because the trees could not replenish themselves during the drought season and the Mayan demands.

What would you learn about the French Revolution that could help you write a research report?

that they had a revolution sometime in history

Did the Zouaves fight in the French Revolution?

No they did not. The French Zouaves were first created as a unit in Algeria in 1831. Since the French Revolution ended with Napoleon's coup in 1899 such an engagement could not have been fought.

What action could accomplish all of the goals of the French Revolution?

writing a constitution

What did the Republicans in the French Revolution believe?

That they could create a better French society and government than existed under the Monarchy.

What was happening in the the French Revolution?

The initial stirs of french revolution could not take off because the leaders had approval seeking tendecies, when they tried to appease all of them, they ended getting nothing.

How did the enlightenment philosophies contribute to the start of the Age of Revolution?

The Enlightenment did not directly contribute to the outbreak of the French Revolution, but the French revolution does embody some of the enlightenment ideas. Enlightenment thinkers promoted ideas of progress and natural law in all aspects of society. This can be seen in the writings of Montesquieu, Rousseau, and Voltaire. Ideas of the French Revolution derived from the Enlightenment are as follows: Constitutional monarchy, Liberal government, Division of powers among the nobles, the monarchy, and the representatives of the cities to replace the Old Regime, The Declaration of the Rights of Man, The Social Contract, Popular Sovereignty, and the Enlightened Absolutism.

What do the American revolution the french revolution what do the American revolution the french revolution and the glorious revolution different?

I'm assuming you mean how all three are different. The America revolution was to break away from the Mother Country. The French revolution was to force the monarchy out of power so they could have a democratic government. The Glorious Revolution was to keep Catholics off throne of Protestant England because a Catholic heading the Anglican church just wouldn't work.

What other revolutions did the American Revolution influence?

The American Revolution inspired many other revolutions such as the Haitian Revolution and the French Revolution. The American Revolution showed that Revolutions could be started and ended with a good outcome. So the Haitians, Latins, French, and a bunch of other countries revolted.

10 songs that relate to the French Revolution?

There are many songs that related to the French Revolution, the most obvious being the national anthem of France. You could easily find 10 or more online.

Unlike the french revolution what did the american revolution produce?

The American Revolution produced an entirely new country. The French Revolution only added new things to the way Parliament could interact with the people.