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Na would decrease, K would increase

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Q: How the hormone epinephrine increases the pumping rate of the sodium-potassium exchange pump in skeletal muscles?
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What Neurotransmitter that activates skeletal muscle fibers?

Acetal Choline (ACh)

The signal transduction pathway in animal cells that use epinephrine?

activates the breakdown of glycogen in liver and skeletal muscle cells.

A contraction in which a skeletal muscle does not shorten but its tension increases is called isometric?

An isometric contraction is the name given to a skeletal muscle that does not shorten, but increases tension. The muscles generate force to protect themselves.

What is the target organ of epinephrine and norepinephrine?

The target organ for epinpehrine are many different organs and tissues, some of which include: the heart, blood vessels in skeletal muscle, blood cessels in skin and viscera, intestines, bronchioles, and the liver. Norepinephrine is the same for epinephrine.

What classification of drugs increases skeletal growth in children?

growth hormone replacements

What is the relationship between the load attached to skeletal muscle and the initial velocity of skeletal muscle shortening?

As the starting length of the muscle is increased the initial velocity increases then decreases.

What is the sympathetic division also called?

increases blood flow to skeletal muscle.

Why are calcium ions necessary for skeletal muscle contractions?

calcium increases the action potential transmitted along the scarcolemma

What are the effect of aerobic and resistance exercise on skeletal muscles and other body organs?

increases bone strength and denserty

How can massage help the skeletal system?

Increases blood circulation which nourishes skeletal cells.Improves muscular balance .Can aid functional efficiency in terms of structural support / posture .Aids in healing of the affected tissue.

What does epinephrine do when binding to beta 1 receptors?

It stimulates both receptor with almost the same affinity

What happens to the strength of contraction during wave summation?

It increases about to about four times greater than a normal contraction for skeletal muscle.