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Q: How the light bulb spread around the world?
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How did the light bulb invention change the world?

The light bulb changed the world because people did not have to go around with a candle in differantplaces.

Why are light bulbs so hot when they are turned off?

light bulbs are hot because the coils spread heat around the bulb.

Why does it take only one woman with PMT to change a light bulb?

Because she just has to stand there, hold the light bulb, and wait for the world to revolve around her..........

What is the glass around a light bulb called?

a bulb

How has the light bulb changed the world?

Thomas Edison has changed the world by making the light bulb because............... Maycee Frey

Why is a light bulb oval?

Some light bulbs are oval shaped so that the light will spread out 360 degrees and go to most places, except under the bottom of the light bulb where it attaches to the lamp.

How do light houses shine?

it has a giant light bulb that spins around

How did the light bulb affect the people when it was first invented?

At first the state Edison was in. Then It was famous all aruond the world because the word spread out like butter and bread.

How many lead guitar players does it take to change a light bulb?

One....he holds it....and the rest of the world revolves around it

How did the light bulb help the world?

we wouldn't be able to see in the dark today if it wasnt for him creating the light bulb

What is in a light bulb around the filament?

An inert gas.

How has the light bulb changed our lives?

the light bulb has changed our lives because with out it the world would be dull