

How the plant is pollinated if the petals are absent?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How the plant is pollinated if the petals are absent?
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Why does an pollinated plant need petals and scent?

To attract the insects by color and smell

Are petal wind or insect pollinated?

Petals are both wind pollinated and insect pollinated, not one or the other. Insect pollinated petals are large and brightly colored while wind pollinated petals are small and brown or green in color.

Suppose you found 2 flowers growing next to each other in a field one had bright orange petals with strong sweet fragrance the other had no petals at all describe how each is normally pollinated?

The fragrant flower with the bright petals was probably pollinated by bees or other animals. The flowerless plant probably reproduces by spores being carried by the wind.

What is Hibiscus method in pollination?

Hibiscus was a insect pollinated plant. Hibiscus have colourful petals to attract insects. Secondly, hibiscus have nectaries to produce nectar.

How is a plant that has a petals a pollinated?

Most plants are pollinated by bees, butterflies, moths or other flying insects. Some are pollinated by wind or rain such as wheat and corn. Some are pollinated by flies and emit a smelly odor like a cadaver or feces. Some plants, such as cacti, are pollinated by bats. In North and South America hummingbirds pollinate tube shaped flowers.

What happens to a corn flower?

If the corn flower is pollinated, it will eventually drop the petals and form seeds. if it is not pollinated, it will wither and die.

If the petals of a flower a absent how is the plant pollinate?

Plants have the ability to pollinate to without pedals. This is just because bees will pollinate as well as eat.

Flowers that are pollinated by the wind have smaller petals and sepals that are pollinated by insects or animals why are small petals and sepals an advantage to these flowers?

Answer 1: If a bloom has large petals and sepals, it's much harder to pollinate the flower. They would just get in the way. Answer 2: Petals and sepals are used to attract pollinators and give them a place to land. Wind pollinated plants don't need to attract pollinators or provide landing space for them. Thus, there is no use for large sepals and petals. .

Are wind pollinated flowers petals small?

Yes, wind pollinated flower petals are small, because they do not need to be showy to attract insects.

Are petals pollinated by wind or animal?

In either but the animal would usually be a bee

How do petals help a plant become pollinated?

Flower petal's colors attract the bees which carry the pollen from one plant to another.

How are showy flowers pollinated?

Showy flowers are typically pollinated by animals such as bees, butterflies, birds, or bats. These animals are attracted to the bright colors, strong scents, or sweet nectar of the flowers, and in the process of feeding, they unintentionally transfer pollen between flowers, leading to pollination.