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Q: How thick was the first cell phone?
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Where did they invention the first cell phone?

Darrel Wolfenschiser created the first cell phone in 1946

Who was the first person to create the cell phone?

Alexander Grambell DID create the first cell phone, he was the inventor of the telephone. aMrtin Cooper invented the cell phone.

When was the first cell phone with a keyboard?

The first cell phone with a keyboard was Treo 180. It was released in 2001.

When was the cell phone first created?

apiril 3,1973

When did you get your cell phone?

I got my first cell phone 10 years ago.

When was the first phone?

1870s and the first cell phone was created in the 1970s.

Where was the cell phone first used?

The cell phone was first used in New York City by Martin Cooper

Why is the cell phone revolutionary?

Its the first portable phone!

What type of Sprint cell phone cover is more durable?

Thick silicone will last the longest.

When the first cell phone was invented?

Bell labs made a first cell phone in 1947, but Dr. Martin Cooper in 1973 made a cell phone most like we have today.

Will cell phone?

Most people in the United States have cell phones.

Why do cell phones lose reception in some buildings?

because the walls are thick enough to stop the radio waves going to and from the cell phone.