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Q: How thin is to thin for a uterus to carry a child?
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What is thin canal related to uterus?

Fallopian tubes - the tubes that connect the uterus to the ovaries.

Can you have kids after a hystertomy?

Not without adoption or having somone else carry your child during pregnancy. You no longer have a uterus after a hysterectomy so you would have no way to norouish or provide development for your baby without a uterus.

How is the fetal pig uterus modified to carry several fetuses?

The fetal pig uterus is modified to carry several fetuses in the sense that, unlike, a human uterus, which is designed to carry only one fetus at a time, the pig uterus is much larger, proportionally.

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What is the minimum size of uterus that you need to carry a baby?

The uterus stretches so it will always fit the fetus.

where does the development of baby take place?

In the womb. That is also called as uterus. Uterus is designed by the nature to carry the pregnancy.

Can transsexual women give birth?

No transsexual woman can carry a child. The operation only creates a neovagina, not a uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries. Hopefully, that can come someday in the near future.

Why is my uterus wall thin at 4 weeks pregnant?

This can be caused by insufficient hormone levels.

What is the reason of death of child in uterus?

not enough oxygen

Can you get pregnant after an hysterectomy?

No as your womb(uterus) is removed and you cannot carry the baby

What are the functions of the oviducts?

The oviducts carry the egg cell from the ovary to the uterus.

If a woman has had a hysterectomy is there any way that she carry a child if she used invetro?

There is no place for the baby to form...also probably missing vital hormones... Answer Not having a uterus rather prevents carrying a baby.