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To administer medication you need to squeeze either side of its jaw with your thumb and index finger.

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Q: How to Force open a hamster's mouth?
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When to start holding hamsters?

When it's not foaming at the mouth

What are pouches on hamsters?

There are pouches on hamsters and they will be inside of there mouth they are to store food in them if they don't feel like eating it. :-)

Do you need a smaller tip water bottle for a dwarf hamster?

no, you don't because hamsters are just hamsters and dwarf hamsters have a bigger mouth than you think.

How can hamsters open their own cages?

some hamsters are trained but if the latch on the cage is shut then no

How do you open mouth kiss?

I guess that u open ur mouth and use ur tongues

How do Hamsters breathe?

Hamsters breathes through their nose ok say its a human just like us they usally breathe through the nose, i mean did u ever see a hamster open its mouth to breath nope so through the nose! Answered from:hamster smart Hamsters breathes through their nose ok say its a human just like us they usally breathe through the nose, i mean did u ever see a hamster open its mouth to breath nope so through the nose! Answered from:hamster smartA hamster breathes much like a person. They take air into the their nose or mouth. They exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide in their lungs, and then they exhale.

Why do people say not to speak with your mouth open?

People don't say not to speak with your mouth open, they say not to eat with your mouth open.

Were is a female dwarf hamsters pouch?

All hamsters have pouches located right where the cheeks would be. The opening to the pouch is located in the mouth so that is why a hamster would be spitting out food and placing big pieces of food in their mouth.

Is your mouth open when you kiss a guy?

Yes your mouth is open and I have no idea why.

Is there any famous hamsters in the world?

yes there is on g-force

Can braces cause you to unable to open your mouth?

no. but when you get the elastics in your mouth its a bit harder to open your mouth but you will be able to.

Why wouldn't you open your mouth if a tongue depressor was placed in your mouth?

If a tongue depressor was placed in your mouth, then your mouth had to be open in the first place.