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Generally, it is not safe to become anorexic. If you have bulimia and need help controlling hte urge to binge when you are dieting and fasting, it would be beneficial to seek medical attention or advice. Incorporating a healthy lifestyle is a surefire way to lose and maintain a healthy weight. You can also incoporate exercise into this routine. Exercises such as running are great for burning fat.

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Q: How to become anorexic I have bulimia I need help with controlling the urge to binge when Im dieting or fasting I also need to know what kind of exercise burns the most fat?
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You are a vegetarian and you need to loose 20 lbs you are going to become anorexic what should you eat?

You should never strive to be anorexic. Anorexia is a dangerous physical and mentla condition. The best way to lose the weight is through healthy dieting and exercise.

Which exercise should I avoid when dieting?

Do not avoid exercise when dieting, as exercise is beneficial to your dieting plans by helping you lose weight. Do not overexert yourself, however, as that is detrimental to your health.

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Dancers are pressured to maintain a certain weight and look, usually very thin (especially among ballet dancers). This unhealthy focus on weight and dieting leads to anorexia, bulimia, and other eating disorders. Sometimes these disorders are even encouraged by fellow dancers or trainers.

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How to lose kilos easily?

by doing exercise and dieting.

What are the main behavioral symptoms of bulimia nervosa?

Eating large amounts of food uncontrollably (bingeing); vomiting, abusing laxatives or diuretics, or engaging in fasting, dieting, or vigorous exercise (purging); preoccupation with body weight; using the bathroom frequently after meals.

Is dieting the best way to lose weight?

I think that exercise is the best and dieting is second best. If you do both (diet and exercise) that would be most beneficial in your weight loss plan.

Does exercise or dieting more effectively produce a flatter stomach?

Dieting by itself will not produce a flatter stomach in the sense that most people take that. You can lose weight through dieting, but to get a flatter stomach you need to also exercise your abdominal muscle groups.

How can you get a smaller waisteline?

Exercise and proper dieting, eventually its genetic.

How can you flatten your stomach without exercise and dieting?

That's kind of impossible...

How do you get skinny fast without dieting?

exercise... :) running works the fastest

What describes the relationship between bulimia and dieting?

Bulimia nervosa is not dieting and in fact will only make a person sick (literally as well as figuratively). People purge their food through vomiting and laxatives because they think it will make them lose weight, but actually they might gain weight because in order to be considered bulimic a person must be taking in 20,000-40,000 calories in one sitting and purging them through different methods. If the person is just throwing up their dinner then I would say they are probably anorexic or depressed.