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Q: How to catch the legendary birds in Pokemon tower defense without cheat in version 0.8?
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Trading, Migrating, Catching the legit legendary Pokemon in pearl, etc.

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Can you catch the legendary birds on Pokemon silver or gold?

Not without Gameshark cheats. The Legendary Birds (Zaptos, Moltres and Articuno) are only avaivable on Blue/Red/Yellow version, or some newer versions.

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A fleeing legendary pokemon

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legendary Pokemon don't evolve into/from anything. Without GameShark,no Pokemon can evolve into a legendary.

How do you clone legendary Pokemon in Pokemon platinum?

You can't without an action replay

How do you get a legendary egg in Pokemon white?

You can never get an legendary egg without a ditto. And then it might not work.

How many legendary Pokemon can you get in Sapphire?

Six without trading.

Is there any legendary Pokemon that you don't need the action replay to catch?

---- Yes, there are pokemon catchable without action replay such as articuno, zapdos, moltres (leafgreen version), entei and suicune and raikou (leafgreen & firered version) and much more. ---- However, there are event pokemon, but probably do not use action replay. These pokemon might range from shaymin to arceus, but sometimes you can cheat for them, which is not guaranteed.

How can you have a legendary egg without tweaking?

You cannot have a legendary egg. Legendary Pokemon cannot breed. The only way to get one is to cheat.